Requirements for new WiFi module setup
What about if the default access point could be enabled via a jumper/button on the io expansion header? This could be useful for first setup.
Is it possible that the default setting, when first configured/or when it cannot find a known network, is to provide a WiFi access point as per point 7 with some form of default, part random SSID (like Duet_3456).
The reason I wasn't planning any sort of default access point configuration is that it also requires a default passphrase, which is a security hazard.
Does the SAM provide any form of unique ID? The gold solution would be somehting like a wifi router where the part random name and unique random password can be stuck on the board on a sticker.
Does the SAM provide any form of unique ID? The gold solution would be somehting like a wifi router where the part random name and unique random password can be stuck on the board on a sticker.
Good point, yes it does. How about we generate an SSID and password from them, and also have a gcode that only works when sent from USB or PanelDue to display the generated SSID and password?
That sound sounds like a damned good Idea David
Does the SAM provide any form of unique ID? The gold solution would be something like a wifi router where the part random name and unique random password can be stuck on the board on a sticker.
Good point, yes it does. How about we generate an SSID and password from them, and also have a gcode that only works when sent from USB or PanelDue to display the generated SSID and password?
Sounds like a plan, also disable this if the user had configured there own access point or set it to non access point mode.
Sounds like a very good list. Are spaces not allowed in passwords in the current firmware? I've received my DuetWiFi, but still probably a week away from setting it up. My home network has (at least one) space in the password.
I think spaces should be allowed, but I haven't tested it.
Does the SAM provide any form of unique ID? The gold solution would be something like a wifi router where the part random name and unique random password can be stuck on the board on a sticker.
Good point, yes it does. How about we generate an SSID and password from them, and also have a gcode that only works when sent from USB or PanelDue to display the generated SSID and password?
Sounds like a plan, also disable this if the user had configured there own access point or set it to non access point mode.
so the fact that i can power on my dust knowing i haven't connected it and find it as a hot spot, tell it where i want it to connect. and it just works is so nice.
what drives me nuts is the fact that i have know idea what the IP is!!!
so lets say we dont change much on that functionality.
so, can we set up a password on the SD card, and the other functions still work?its one of the most elegant experience to set up, and when you move it.. .well it just pops back up and you do it again. so that function is so grand, i would try not to change that. just my experiences with the Duet.
Making it more secure is for sure needed. but the ability to set up the way it is now and be able to set its IP would be great.
I never plug in my duet. I however do have a Panel Due. so for those who only have the Duet, the ability to set it up with out ever interfacing it with a wire… well, that's just a dream. so i vote for trying to keep it that way.
also, remember that you guys are SMART. so dont forget to program it for us dummy
KISS principle
again, thanks for the hard work. i point people all the time to the work here, its really nice to see this kind of progress.
I did not see a default gateway in the list. Wouldn't this be requirred for accessing from different network , aka port forwarding from public Internet / VPN ?
Andreas -
I've included the ability to set the default gateway and netmask when the IP address is set.
I think spaces should be allowed, but I haven't tested it.
I'm commissioning my printer now (using 1.18) and yes, spaces are working in the WiFi password.