Dual extruder Chimera setup help?
It's just me that's not working, I'm pretty sure that all of the gear is just fine. In no way am I saying that the Duet board has anything to do with my problems.
I don't have anything in the tool changing files right now, I thought maybe that Simplify3D took care of that but that was just a guess.
In Simplify3D I'm not sure what I need for the starting script and if I need a tool changing script there as well
Sorry, What I meant was what is not working when the tool change happened?
It is possible for the slicer to add all the required gcodes and have nothing in the tool change files however maybe s3d is not putting what you need into the gcode.
If you look at this section it talks about tool change gcode files:
https://duet3d.com/wiki/Configuring_RepRapFirmware_for_a_Cartesian_printer#Tool_change_files -
also you tool definitions look about right, are the Chimera centres only 18mm apart
I've been able to get it to start to print now but it only prints one layer and then it goes to tool change on the screen and the progress bar goes to 100%. and it just stops. Weird part is the temp readings stay at printing temp but everything is shut off and cooling down.
I did print a 1 color test model with no problem.
I'm not sure where I'm having a problem , with Simplify3D settings of something in my Duet settings
It seems like when it goes to tool change something is hanging up
Chimera nozzles are 18mm on center apart -
Are there any messages on the Gcode Console page of the web interface after the tool change, when the progress bar goes to 100%?
I gave up on S3D so can't check this, but one possibility is that S3D numbers the tools starting at 1 while the default for Duet is 0 (zero). So if your S3D gcode has T1 and T2, instead of T0 and T1 that'll likely screw things up because T2 doesn't exist. If that is the case then you can add an M563 S1 to your config.g which will add 1 to the tool numbers.
Ian -
Ian that is a good point. I just check in s3d and my tool numbering starts at 0, but i may have changed it to do that back in the mists of time.
Willy510 have a look for the T numbers in the gcode file you are trying to print. are they T0,T1 or T1,T2?
The tool # are T0 , T1 in the G code so S3D must be doing something else
This is the G code that S3D generated for the file on my Google drive.
This is what the screen looks like after the first layer and there is nothing in the G code console. The screen display is also frozen until I disconnect and reconnect, I can click the buttons to move the gantry and bed around but the bed temp and tool temp functions are display are frozen and it turns them all off.
That's all very odd. I note that you are using absolute extrusion rather than relative but it should work as there is an M82 command at the start of the gcode. Just before the T1 command, there is a G92 E0 to reset the extruder followed by a G1 E-12. Does the machine do that 12mm retraction before it locks up?
Try Changing tools (T1, T0 in the gcode console and see if the machine freezes when you change to tool 1
Were both heaters up to temperature when the print started?
Both heaters were up to temp before print started.
When I just tried to change tools in the console it lets me select T0 fine but does freeze up when I try T1.
What would this be? -
Try pressing control-shift-J in Chrome or Firefox, to see if there have been any exceptions in the browser.
Which version of DWC are you using, and which version of firmware?
control-shift-J in chrome resulted in
thread.php:278 Mixed Content: The page at 'https://www.duet3d.com/forum/thread.php?id=1174' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image 'http://i67.tinypic.com/28qtgyd.jpg'. This content should also be served over HTTPS.and from my Duet Wifi
Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi
Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.0
Firmware Version: 1.17e (2017-02-10)
WiFi Server Version: 1.03 (ch fork)
Web Interface Version: 1.14aSeems to have happen to someone before but they didn't says exactly how it was fixed.
https://www.duet3d.com/forum/thread.php?id=777 -
I meant press control-shift-J when displaying the DWC page that still says it is connected but is no longer updating. Or you can press control-shift-J before it stops updating, and see what message appears when it stops updating.
In that instance, the OP claimed that it was fixed when he used someone else's config.g and that the only difference he could see was that he had used two M92 commands and his friend only had one. However, it's hard to see how that could have been the cause and it clearly isn't the cause in this case.
The fact that it happens when changing tools through the web interface indicates that it is nothing to do with the S3D generated gcode file.
Although my machine is completely different to yours, it was similar to the machine used in the post you linked to. The only difference I can see between my config.g and both yours and the other guy who had the problem is that I use M555 P2 to set the firmware to look like Marlin and yours and the other guys used M555 P1 to set it to look like RepRap. I have no idea if this could be the reason by just humour an old man and try changing M555 from P1 to P2.
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED is what I get before on the DWC but this time I sliced from S3D and changed the temperature identifier for the bed from T2 as S3D sets it to T0 in the FFF settings and it started to print using each extruder !!!! but then every layer started shifting about 9 or 10mm.
Any ideas for either issue?Also I really appreciate the help from everyone , thanks
My guess at the layer shift would be that you've set the tool offset in both Duet and S3D perhaps?
not sure what happened but now it has gone back to freezing after a layer or so as I was trying to adjust the tool offsets
This is what control shift J gets now
Try firmware 1.18beta3 and DWC 1.15. i think that version of DWC may include a relevant fix.