Production Duet Ethernet pictures
It's the same main board as the Duet WiFi, but instead of the WiFi module there is an Ethernet daughter board, which is secured to the main board by three nylon pillars. The daughter board runs the TCP/IP stack on a W5500 chip to reduce the load on the Duet main processor. The signal connection to the daughter board is high speed SPI, just as it is to the WiFi module on the Duet WiFi.
We expect to make an announcement soon about when they will be generally available.
Nice work there. Just out of curious, in the long run will there be just a bare Duet board and we can choose either a Wifi or Ethernet daughter board?
Probably not, because it would be difficult for us to test the bare Duet board with neither WiFi nor Ethernet working. The wifi module is soldered directly to the board, whereas the Ethernet daughter board plugs into a socket which is fitted inside the wifi module footprint. If we put the wifi module on a daughter board too, that would avoid the different soldering but increase the production cost.
Also I can't see much point, except for users who want to use an alternative variant of the WiFi module to support an external antenna.
Looks good, I am waiting in line for one. I have a secure WiFi at work that will not allow me access to connect but it will be okay if it is Ethernet. I am tired of removing the SD card, i hope it will be available soon
Nice solution David.
Would it be possible to upgrade a Duet Wifi to Duet Ethernet?
Excellent. Thank you!
Would it be possible to upgrade a Duet Wifi to Duet Ethernet?
Depending on you soldering skills it would be possible to desolder the WiFi module and the solder on the Ethernet module headers. Initially though we wont be selling the Ethernet modules separately from the boards due to the way we are having them produced and tested.
Excellent work! I love my WiFi but I would rather have the Ethernet. I will most likely purchase another Duet but of the Ethernet flavor. If the Ethernet module ever becomes available I would be interested in it, my soldering skills are up to the task of removal and mounting.
Awesome, just waiting for it to release to pick up one for the new printer! Possibly will replace the board in my FT-5 as well.
Would it be possible to upgrade a Duet Wifi to Duet Ethernet?
You might consider selling the Duet Wifi and buying a Duet Ethernet. The cost differential would likely be about what a Ethernet upgrade board would be, maybe less.