Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC et Raspberry PI4 :DCS is unavilable.
To verify:
With no PT100 daughter board, D3+Pi comes up, connects to web interface, etc.
With PT100 daughter board simply plugged in, web connection not working, etc.
If both above are true, this strongly implies a wiring problem on the PT100's connection to the duet. Crossed wires, shorted pins, something like that.
before inserting PT100 connection is on, but after inserting PT100? web connection not working at all cases and apears 'DCS is unavailable"
OK, this really does imply a physical problem with that connection. It is most likely shorting the 3.3V bus to ground or similar.
Can you post a high-resolution photo of the connectors and wiring for the PT100?
ok this is the phots of PT100 wiring on the daughterboard
@Azul said in Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC et Raspberry PI4 :DCS is unavilable.:
could be dust or light, but looks like there is something on the edge of U2 - do either of those get warm?
@bearer the Duet 3 temperature is around 41 the Pi too get warm
@bearer is there a procedure to connect Duet 3 to an Ethernet Network.
@Azul said in Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC et Raspberry PI4 :DCS is unavilable.:
connect Duet 3 to an Ethernet Network.
@bearer this version is for duet 2, not 3?.i want to connect my duet3 to an Ethernet Network
@Azul said in Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC et Raspberry PI4 :DCS is unavilable.:
this version is for duet 2
it does say duet 3 so I'm inclined to think it is duet 3 - it also says that its pretty much the same as running RRF3 on a duet 2 so I guess it doesn't matter all that much as long as you get the pin names correct in the config.
@Azul said in Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC et Raspberry PI4 :DCS is unavilable.:
HI i have a Duet 3 v1 and a Raspbeery pi4. i hace successed to connect my Duet 3 (Mainboard 6HC) with Raspberry Pi4 to control a motor and acquire data from endstop but the problem is when i have connected a daughterboard with a PT100 to My duet 3 the connexion is off and this error message appears ''DCS is Unavailable", wich leads to noc access DWC.@dc42
Please confirm that you are plugging the daughter board into the Duet 3 the right way round so that the holes for the standoff peg in the main board and daughter board line up. Assuming that they do, I think the daughter board is probably faulty and you should ask for it to be replaced.
@dc42 thanks, the problem is solved. i have just reinstalled the firmarware.