Updating to DuetWiFi Server 1.03 Problem
Now I cant access the board at all over web. I can connect over repetier-host so its not dead but the webserver is inaccessable.
Help please
Try the following:
Copy the new "DuetWiFiServer.bin" file to your SD card in the /sys directory. Ensure its called that and not DuetWiFiServer-1.03-ch.bin" or something like that.
Put the SD card back in the Duet wifi, power back on and connect via USB using pronterface/repetier.
Send the G-code M997 S1
That will update the WifiServer firmware.Rboot the Duet once that is complete.
15:51:13.142 : N18 M997 S195
15:51:15.404 : N19 M10531
15:51:55.449 : Communication timeout - reset send buffer block
Cant send any commands to the card… tested to reboot But it still connects through the com port but does not take any commands.Is there a way to do a hard reset and start from scratch..?
Allaready done the erase and new fw upload without any luck. -
In the device manager it shows up a Bossa Program Port.
Ok looks like you erased the main firmware so go through the installing the main firmware using backup method #3:
https://duet3d.com/wiki/Updating_main_firmwarethat will allow you to communicate again using Repetier/printerface over USB. Then carryout the instructions I laid out above. not you have to copy the DuetWiFiServer.bin file to the /sys directory by taking the SD card out of your Duet and putting it into your PC.
Okay, got in to it but now it looks like this.. So not to screw things up I will wait for your next step instructions.
Software Information
Firmware Name:
Firmware Version:
Web Interface Version:
Web Interface by Christian Hammacher
Licensed under the terms of the GPL v2 -
Well I was to quick, below is the status now, can I update the WiFiserver now?
Software Information
Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi
Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.0
Firmware Version: 1.17c (2017-01-14)
WiFi Server Version: 1.02
Web Interface Version: 1.14a
Web Interface by Christian Hammacher
Licensed under the terms of the GPL v2 -
Did upgrade and it works now
Software Information
Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi
Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.0
Firmware Version: 1.17c (2017-01-14)
WiFi Server Version: 1.03 (ch fork)
Web Interface Version: 1.14a
Web Interface by Christian Hammacher
Licensed under the terms of the GPL v2 -
Will read the instructions in detail next time
Thanks for the help -
Cheers, don't worry you are not the first person who had this issue. I have a feature request to release firmware and a bundle and then the normal process would be to upload the bundle and all 3 files are updated in the right order:
https://www.duet3d.com/forum/thread.php?id=732 -
Try the following:
Copy the new "DuetWiFiServer.bin" file to your SD card in the /sys directory. Ensure its called that and not DuetWiFiServer-1.03-ch.bin" or something like that.
Put the SD card back in the Duet wifi, power back on and connect via USB using pronterface/repetier.
Send the G-code M997 S1
That will update the WifiServer firmware.Rboot the Duet once that is complete.
Thank you so much for this post! Your comment "Ensure its called that and not DuetWiFiServer-1.03-ch.bin" or something like that." was the thing I was missing. I pulled my hair out going through the update procedures many times without doing this critical renaming and wondering why it didn't work. This statement should be made on the Wiki pages about updating firmware for knuckle heads like me.
I pulled my hair out going through the update procedures many times without doing this critical renaming and wondering why it didn't work. This statement should be made on the Wiki pages about updating firmware for knuckle heads like me.
I feel your hair loss - and very much agree. It would also be very useful for this instruction to be added to the Install section of the README.MD file of RRF and DWC - to be sure to be sure. I went around in at least a couple of circles earlier today with a self-built DWC, forgetting I needed to do this, despite only doing an entire firmware update just last week.
I know this is an old post but I seem to be having the same exact issue. I erased my board, uploaded the firmware and now getting the timeout mentioned above.
Could you confirm these are the correct steps.
1. Flash FW with sam-ba (to which i can connect to repetier after this install but get timeout)
2. Upload server & web to /sys and run install gcodeThe issue I seem to be having is that my gcodes aren't executing when I send over after #1…. any thoughts?
Please explain what you mean by "timeout" - what message are you getting, where, and what do you do to provoke it? If the message is from Repetier host then you should adjust the communications protocol, in particular, turn off "ping pong".