Wrong position after homing axes
No, the bed is not touching the sensor. homez.g does also contain the command G30. If i removed from there i get the error 'homing Z failed'.
After all axes are hommed i can execute G30 without any issue.So for me it seems like this is the issue:
homing X and Y puts the printhead at front left corner of the printer, stopped by endstops at Xmin and Ymin. Then i can move the printhead just fine with manual commands.
As soon as G30 gets executed the firmware thinks the print area is about X40 Y0, so the initial movement of G30 from X0 Y0 to X0 Y15 makes this strange motor noise. After it has done the probing an the printhead moves to X40 Y0 and resets the coordinates to X0 Y0. From then on G30 does exactly the same movements as before without any strange noise and smoothly running motors.Somehow I believe the printer thinks moving from real X0 Y0 to X0 Y15 is an impossible move (the motors sound quit like when the run in to force and cannot move any further), but it still executes it.
hmm your config seems to be missing the
M574 Z1 S2 ; set endstops controlled by probe -
@coolm8 said in Wrong position after homing axes:
Somehow I believe the printer thinks moving from real X0 Y0 to X0 Y15 is an impossible move (the motors sound quit like when the run in to force and cannot move any further), but it still executes it.
find out where its grinding on. the endstops?
It is not grinding anywhere. It makes the move correctly just the sound is weird.
This is not a mechanical issue, it is only software side.
It only happens wile probing, i can make exactly the same move just fine before the Z-axis is homed (i cannot do it afterwards because the software does not allow me to go negativ on the X axis).I alread had the following:
M574 X1 Y1 Z1 S0changing to the following did not bring any changes:
M574 X1 Y1 S0
M574 Z1 S2Why is G30 affecting the X and Y axes anyway?
Might it be that i have the Duet Wifi 1 but running recently updated Version:
Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.0 or 1.01
Firmware Version: 2.03 (2019-06-13b2)
WiFi Server Version: 1.23
Web Interface Version: 1.22.6 -
@coolm8 said in Wrong position after homing axes:
its not but it might be picking up your X1 in M558 command
try replacing the entire line with
M558 P1 H5 F120 T6000 ; set Z probe type to unmodulated and the dive height + speeds -
@veti said in Wrong position after homing axes:
M558 P1 H5 F120 T6000
This still has no effect on this behavior.
To be exact, the X offset after homing is 58mm. When execute an emergency stop after homing Z, I can move the X-axis to -58 until the endstop triggers. I then can manually go forward 204mm until I reach the end of the other side of the X axis (from -58 to 164). This shows that the motors and the stepping is set up correctly.I have taken a video of the steps from Z-Axis homing. The strange movement beginns at 1:00 minute into the video. See: https://youtu.be/9m7Y-PwS-pI
the video is private
@coolm8 said in Wrong position after homing axes:
M564 H0
can you remove this? this should not be in a normal config.
also the normal place for the M208 command is after the M84. This should not be a problem for your config i think, but on certain commands the order is important.
If I remove M554 H0 I cannot home any axis anymore. No matter what i choose homeall, home X, ... I get this error: G0/G1: insufficient axes homed
I fixed the video and it should now be accessible:
https://youtu.be/9m7Y-PwS-pI -
@coolm8 said in Wrong position after homing axes:
If I remove M554 H0 I cannot home any axis anymore. No matter what i choose homeall, home X, ... I get this error: G0/G1: insufficient axes homed
This is because of this
@coolm8 said in Wrong position after homing axes:
; Lift Z
G1 Z5 F6000You need to add S2 to that G1 Z move so that it can move without being homed first.
This is not what I'm looking for. I do not need to disable manual movement before homing and i do not need to overwrite that with manual commnands to move. All i want is G30 to work properly and not do to that strange additional movement that you can see in the video.
Can you send
G31 P1
in the gcode console? I suspect that the offset may not be applied correctly.Have you verified that the steps per mm is correct so that 10mm of requested movement equals 10mm of actual movement?
@coolm8 said in Wrong position after homing axes:
This is not what I'm looking for. I do not need to disable manual movement before homing and i do not need to overwrite that with manual commnands to move.
You can do as you wish, I'm merely explaining what's happening. Please keep in mind that we are only trying to volunteer our time to help you solve your problem. If you would prefer, I can stop trying to assist.
I did not want to be rude. I just wanted to clarify what I'am trying to solve. Any help is welcome and I am thankful for all your support. Too sad it has not helped yet.
G31 P1 does not do anything. Do I understand correctly that it should set the probe trigger value? Should the change be visible in the web view?
In the gcode console, what does M558 return?
Try sending
M558 P1 H5 F120 T6000
G31 P500 X40 Y0 Z0.35
Then alter your homeall "first probe point" to move the probe to the center of the bed. Say G1 X100 Y100. Before the G30.
and then test homing all.
@phaedrux said in Wrong position after homing axes:
G31 P500 X40 Y0 Z0.35
Hmm, this is strange. Now it behaves completely different. The final position after G30 is now at X100 Y100 but the probed point which should be X100 Y100 is done at X0 Y100.
As long is I do not execute G30 the axes are working correctly. Homing X and Y puts the head to left front corner, G1 X100 Y100 moves the head to the center. According to the documentation I have set the front left corner to be 0,0. Somehow after G30, X100 Y100 is 0,0.
That definitely doesn't make sense. Are you sure you don't have any G92 commands in your homing files?
No, I don't see any G92 commands in my homing files.
Could you upload your config files here? It would be helpful to see first hand everything that's going on. Slicer start gcode as well, since you stated it happens when starting a print, but otherwise works fine.
I haven't had time the last couple of time.
The problem happens not only when starting a print, but also when i execute homeall or home Z. Starting a print executes G30 first, homeall and home Z execute G30 at the ind.
I wonder why G30 is modifying my X Axis. I thought it should not do it when no Parameter is passed with it.
The config.g is not much different now, that what I have in the first post. Here it is:; General preferences
M111 S1 ; Debugging off
G21 ; Work in millimetres
G90 ; Send absolute coordinates...
M83 ; ...but relative extruder moves
M555 P2 ; Set firmware compatibility to look like Marlin
M564 H0 S0M208 X0 Y0 Z0 S1 ; Set axis minima
M208 X180 Y180 Z205 S0 ; Set axis maxima
M669 K0; Endstops
M574 X1 Y1 S0 ; Define active low and unused microswitches
M574 Z1 S2
M558 P1 H5 F120 T6000
M557 X0:180 Y15:180 S20 ; Define mesh grid
G31 P500 X40 Y0 Z0.35 ; Set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height; Drives
M569 P0 S0 ; Drive 0 goes forwards
M569 P1 S1 ; Drive 1 goes forwards
M569 P2 S0 ; Drive 2 goes forwards
M569 P3 S1 ; Drive 3 goes forwards
M350 X32 Y32 Z8 E16 I0 ; Configure microstepping without interpolation
M92 X157.4804 Y157.4804 Z533.3333 E832 ; Set steps per mm
M566 X1200 Y1200 Z480 E120 ; Set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min)
M203 X8100 Y8100 Z300 E1200 ; Set maximum speeds (mm/min)
M201 X500 Y500 Z100 E250 ; Set accelerations (mm/s^2)
M906 X1200 Y1200 Z1100 E1100 I30 ; Set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in per cent
M84 S30 ; Set idle timeout; Heaters
M143 S290; Set maximum heater temperature to 310C
M301 H0 S1.00 P10 I0.1 D200 T0.4 W180 B30 ; Use PID on bed heater (may require further tuning)
M305 P0 T100000 B4138 C0 R4700 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 0
;M305 P1 R4700 T100000 B4388
M305 P1 X200; Tools
M563 P0 D0 H1 ; Define tool 0
G10 P0 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Set tool 0 axis offsets
G10 P0 R0 S0 ; Set initial tool 0 active and standby temperatures to 0C; Network
M550 PUltimaker ; Set machine name
M552 S1 ; Enable network and acquire dynamic address via DHCP; Fans
M106 P0 S1 I0 F500 H1 T45 ; Set fan 0 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned on
;M106 P1 S1 I0 F500 H-1 ; Set fan 1 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned off
;M106 P2 S1 I0 F500 H-1 ; Set fan 2 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned off -
@coolm8 said in Wrong position after homing axes:
; Go to first bed probe point and home Z
G1 X0 Y15 F1800Have you changed the position used to probe the bed as I suggested earlier?
If the Probe is +40 in X away from the nozzle, when you try and move the nozzle to X0, the probe would be at -40 in X over the edge of the bed. Get what I mean?