@KenW I do have that macro, and earlier today I accidentally hit the button for that on the PanelDue when I meant to hit Filament Load. That explains it. I'll get rid of that file. Thanks again for the quick help, Ken!
@Herve_Smith This Forum post was made prior to us planning on supporting DWC-only, since then we have developed a plugin that works with DWC-only configurations, see forum comment:
In order to use the plugin, you still need a device (Raspberry Pi, or any SBC) running the AI backend component, and it needs to be on the same network (Ethernet or WiFi) as the Duet mainboard. The backend component as well as how to set it up can be found here: https://github.com/printpal-io/PrintWatchAI_Backend
@dc42 Ah, thanks for the name. I'm able to find some. I also considered a vacuum to hold the bed in place and electro magnet but they seem impractical.
Also, is there any build surface, beside glass, that can be used for high temp plastics? As glass is heavy and also cannot be used with magnet base.
I think that you can send gcode commands from the ESP32 to the Duet to execute. Via HTTP or serial connection. I guess that this allows you to send gcode such as setting global variables that your conditional code can access. Others may know more details.
@Surgikill Good catch, I had overlooked the I1 parameter, though that shouldn't give any problems; the parameter is ignored. The rest of the deployprobe.g and retractprobe.g are correct though, and that should not give an error.
@Herve_Smith in my experience some things, like the processing speed of complex macros, are slower in SBC mode than standalone. Mostly due to the fact that the SBC has to go back to the mainboard for info etc
@zapta you could get round the Z homing issue by homing X and Y and then sending G92 Z0. But I take your point, the connector is too deep for the accelerometer to fit the right way up on some hot end assemblies.
@YesterdaysCoffee The tool change macros would be the way to go (tpre, tpost, and tfree).
But can you clarify something for me because I may have misunderstood what it is you are trying to do. Do you want to switch between tools as the print progresses in the manner of a tool changer or IDEX (which is relatively straight forward) or do you want to use both tools concurrently (i.e. at the same time) with each tool printing a different section of the model?. My understanding was that you wanted to do the latter which avoids tool changes but which is entirely different.