lol idk why i didnt think to just re apply the sd card files, worked right away. i must need a new one because i dont know what would cause files to just disappear from it, thakns m8. been too many times ive looked over the easy stuff.

Best posts made by zshoe
RE: after days of test prints the board wont respond this morning.
RE: board will not respond
ill be honest im not the most tech savy guy in the world but i know a little bit, i didnt eve know the device manage was a thing tbh, i always just see new devices pop up on the left side when youre in file explorer. thank you so much for pointing out that procedure, i read right over that and didnt even notice it was a link. ended up flashing the firmware back onto it and works great now, no idea how i erased the firmware but all fixed thanks so much.