Hi together,
may i introduce...
Since nearly 6 months I am working on this machine and its still "work in progress"
Build: Hypercube HEVO, Dual Z, 300x300x400
Board: DUET3 + SBC Raspberry Pi4
Firmware: RRF3 Beta 3
Extruder: Zesty Nimble
Z-Sensor: Orion Piezo
X-Min, Y-Min: optical Endstops
DHT22: for chamber temperature
Webcam: RPI-Cam and RPICamControl -> https://elinux.org/RPi-Cam-Web-Interface
Power Control and Monitoring: Sonoff POWR2 with Tasmonta 8.0.1
LEDs: Control WS2812B RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 over WiFi! -> https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED
Dashboard: Homeassistant