@argo Update on this issue: using the curve smoothing solves the problem. Also, I made a copy of the original STL using solidworks, exported it as STL but using max quality for the STL and also the print came out PERFECT.
So all this issue is about the STL quality
Thanks all for the help
Best posts made by Tinchus
RE: "waves" on rounded prints
RE: BtnCmd-DWC Plugin - Customise DWC - v01.03.05 20-09-24
@chimaeragh Sure. For example, when I want to save the total uptime of the machine I execute count.g:
echo >"uptime.g" "global.ontime =",{global.ontime + state.upTime/60}This saves in uptime.g the value of the global.ontime, and I get that value from the object model
Next time the machine restarts, in config.g I have a M98 P"uptime.g", so the value of the global variable is read again and keeps being incremented.
RE: cant connect to https://pkg.duet3d.com for update
@Falcounet Today I tried again and this time connection was ok... weird. But problem is fixed. Thanks!
RE: delete
@blv there is no need to teach formulas or motion theroy, at least to me, Im a senior mechanical engineer, I guess I have those topics very clear. So Im pretty sure you can post your slicer profile, your config, and the STL so we can all see the sizes involved and it will be very simple to demostrate what I said is correct. But we can also do very super quick calulations looking the video: the size of the object is aprox 12 cms long. I has a soft cuve too. so lets say that segment is a real 15 cms as much it it is straight? If you print at 500 mm/s that means we should be watching your printhead cover those 15 cms in aprox 1/33 of a second without taking into consideration the acceleration. If we take into consideration the accel of 9000 you will reach something around 300 mm/s of max speed AND ONLY for a fraction of the path. Im dpoing all these calculation by my eye so I might be wrong in 20/50 mm/s max error.
And Im still not taking into account your jerk settings.
And this is the speed you get in your longest path, the rest of your STL model wont get even half of the calculated speed I have mentioned.
So...And Im not fan of nobody. I use what I considere that covers my needs. I have used klipper. It is based on python, python uses an interpret to work. That means an extra layer between klipper and the processor. So it works very nive, but no software till today is as fast as a well C++ / C code is working directly with the processor... Or have you ever seen an OS written in python ?
The firmware duet is working on is really powerful, enough for me moving from marlin.
But hey... if you are fine with klipper, OK! keep using. You have to use whatever covers your needs man.
Also I think it would be usufull if you clear what you mean with "extra perfomance", it would be a good way to contibute here to the developers.
RE: Unable to tune chamber heater
@davidewen @dc42 There are several post about this issue with heated chambers.
In my case the problem raised with version 3.3 and up. Something changed on that PID implementation. Before that, my heated chamber was using the old PID very good.After I upgraded, the problem raised. So I tried to autotune again and I was getting the same errors like you. After playing a while, what I did was: I raised deadtime value A LOT. That way, autotune was able to finish.
BUT then it didnt worked: the values I got from autotune, should have worked but every time I tried to heat up the chamber, an error was there: temp rising too slowly.
Running autotune several times worked again, but then again, using the reported values always failed with the same error.Then I did a trick: I ran autotune but using ONLY 80% of the PWM. Then to the reported values I changed the PWM to 100%. That is the only way I have been able to use PID on the heated chamber
I hope it helps
RE: Causes for heater instability
Im my case, the times this exact thing happened to me, was a bad connection on my thhermistor cables, a badly soldered crimp. Resoldering always solved my problem. This problem was never detected by eye, the graphics is the one that have indicated me the problem.
RE: touchscreen not working on latest bookworm duetpi image
@chrishamm I solved the problem (so close the topic as solved please). I dont know the causes but this is how it is working now:
.- In config.txt I commented the line
By doing this and rebooting, I can see the raspberry logo at boot but then again all goes white and stays there
So again in config.txt I made the change:
dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d to dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3dAnd these 2 changes solved the problem. Everything in "normal " now, The camera is not working either but it is detected.
On the other printer I checked, and disable_fw_kms_setup=1 is not commented... Documentation says this uses kernel defaults. So my guess is since the difference between both raspi images is the date and I can see a difference on kernel vlaues, there is something internal that makes all this trouble to me.
Either way, it is solved. Thanks for the help
RE: Z offset on Inductive sensors
@fcwilt because I planned the printer to have eough power to have all the build plate full of print, and since it is a big volumen, theoretically I can have like 15 kgs if I print metal. So Z motors have enough power to move that mass.
BUT, if something goes wrong, the also have the power to destroy my hotenfd and bend the bed if the printhead crash against the bed at full powwer. By reducing to 30% while homing, if something goes wrong, they will start to loose steps before bending my bed. -
oibject model "status" dcos.
Hello. I have checked https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/wiki/Object-Model-Documentation#statestatus
I see "printing" status is not there anymore. It has been replaced for what other value?
his property may be one of the following:
disconnected: Not connected to the Duet starting: Processing config.g updating: The firmware is being updated off: The machine is turned off (i.e. the input voltage is too low for operation) halted: The machine has encountered an emergency stop and is ready to reset pausing: The machine is about to pause a file job paused: The machine has paused a file job resuming: The machine is about to resume a paused file job cancelling: Job file is being cancelled processing: The machine is processing a file job simulating: The machine is simulating a file job to determine its processing time busy: The machine is busy doing something (e.g. moving) changingTool: The machine is changing the current tool idle: The machine is on but has nothing to do
simplify is not worthy anymore . The "new" features they have added to version 5 have been present on free slicer for about some years already.
RE: z probe sensibility and mesh calibration with G29
@jay_s_uk I created the mesh.g file, and modified accel and jer there for mesh calibration the restore the original values to normal after the G29 S0 command .
RE: Linear rail headaches
The first thing you have to consider is the quality of your linear rails. Then you have to be sure that you are mounting the linear rail over a FLAT surface, so quality of your aluminium extrusion (if you are using that) is very important. And last but VERY important: the adjustment of that rail to the support structure. Many people use the higher torque they can use on every screw. That is sooooo wrong because by doing that you will force the perfectly straight linear rail to bend to adjust itselt to the deviation your support may have. They correct way to do it is follow the manufacturer guide (in the case of hiwin is 0.8nm). In that way the linear rail will be secured to the support, but if the suppor has a small deviation from plain, the linealrail will still be straight. That is why the linear rails have sooo many screws
These are some advices I can give (I have used linear rails on all my printers, always hiwin brand) -
RE: Scanning z probe temperature resistance?
@jay_s_uk I can handle this with no problem. 100MM is ok, 85 degrees is ok (temp where Im thinking is no more than 50 degrees C MAX)
RE: Spurious heater faults again
Here I have the latest data from a tunning try today: it is my heated chamber
I ran M303 H0 P0.88 S120
The P0.88 is because I need to lower the power input to the resistor in order to not burn it.
The tunning finished OK:
8/17/2022, 2:39:15 PM Auto tuning heater 0 completed after 3 idle and 14 tuning cycles in 8036 seconds. This heater needs the following M307 command:
M307 H0 R0.125 K0.058:0.000 D44.76 E1.35 S0.88 B0
8/17/2022, 1:10:13 PM Auto tune starting phase 3, measuring
8/17/2022, 12:47:41 PM Auto tune starting phase 2, settling
8/17/2022, 12:25:23 PM Auto tune starting phase 1, heating upI saved the values, I restarted the board, I checked new values are being used.
Now I try to heat the chamber and I get:
Error: Heater 0 fault: temperature rising too slowly: expected -0.02°C/sec measured -0.03°C/sec
This has happened with every try to tune PID.
The PID was working on this same chamber , same resistors, same PWM in version 3.3Actual version is 3.4.1, board duet3 in SBC mode
RE: Bug in firmware / DWC
@fcwilt said in Bug in firmware / DWC:
M141 P0 S80 P1 S80
It does the same. It turns on for just 1 second P0 then turns it off and turns on P1 wich stay on.
RE: Struggling with vibrations.
@Syko_Symatic My guess by readin and looking the video: the problem is your guide. Remember that you have to take care of the 3 values of a linear guide rail: skew, tilt and roll. All 3 have different limits regarding the forces you can apply on them. Go outside of those limits and you will face nasty problems like this.
That is my guess, also I would check if the guide itself has not loose any of its balls during installation -
RE: BtnCmd-DWC Plugin - Customise DWC - v01.03.05 20-09-24
@fcwilt what if you ECHO those variables to a file, and in the next restart you just read thta file again in config.g. This is how Im doing now to store the total printing time of my printer and it works
RE: Is it possible to control a fan by a thermistor not a heater?
@t3p3tony thanks for the extra info. I found my error:
I was using M106 P2 S50 T40 H2, The H2 was wrong, since my sensor was number 5.
I changed that before reading your message and it works. I will add the temperature range, but I have to say that using the S parameter to control the speed works too despite it is a thermostatic fan. -
RE: Tuning the printing speed on fly
@infiniteloop I have not tried this material of course, but I have indeed trying to shorten queu lenght in the past several times wheing trying make a macro introduce code faster in the queu for example. I can perfectly agree and confirm that printing becomes "bumpy". So, in the case of this talking about this material, if the movement suffers this kind of artifacts, for sure we can predict flow will be completly out of control because we can maka a paralel situation when you have moisture on you filement: can can get away sometiomes with lot of moisture, but at the moment the nozzle stops just for hal a second, you will see material being extruded A LOT.
From an engineering point fo view, when you face a develpment where at the very beginning the posible solution already faces a lot of problems... that is my sign to "ok, this solution will not end up well, lets look for another aprouch" and this is the case.
In this case, if you already recognize that the material has not a predictable flow, trying to control that chaos is something that will not get to a good solution. I would go towards try to get a better material, OR just not try to get a eprfect flow control.
Remeber this: this has already happened in the past. Maaaaany years ago, in the time where filament diameters where not as precise as today, opeple tried to use optical filament diameter sensor in order to measure diameter on the fly and adjust the flo on the fly. And that aprouch NEVER worked because you had to provide the firmware with the exact offset between the sensor position and the tip of the nozzle, and just an error of 0.2mm gives you more error on the flow calculation than a +-0.1 in fialment diameter so...
I still have one of those sensors by the way lol -
RE: emergency stop
@Zhang-Jianyu Thanks for the tips.
I have tried your idea. Using it exactly as your wrote, it "works", the problem I see is that this is not exactly and emergency stop. The buzzer works, but the printing doesnt stop till the buffer is empty, and in my example gcode, that took like 5 extra seconds. That makes a total of 10 second to stop the printing... no t exactly an emergency stop jajajaja
Then I tried:
removing the M400: still not perfect, the machines stops after 5 seconds (little more may be), but buzzer is not triggered
removing the G4 delay: the same, it stop after seconds, and buzzer is not triggered.