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@nhof Thank you for answering those, "for moste of us" standard things.
for me totally new, and without questioning a way to misunderstand.
so if i understand right, within "tool" (group) i can define a complete axis, like the stepper, and the mechanical end switches.
Does the Duet can handle soft-switches ??
As i look at my Duet-2, i think i have a device overdone for my purpose of use.
not negatively, i find a use for them. thinking of temperature reading of my router bits.
At first, i am not a 3D printer person, i do work wit CNC routers an lathe's for me the important tasks are
the X, Y & Z axis, steps per cm velocity in mm per minute and acceleration.
As i be growing into the Duet-2, by "trial, ask & error", i find my self in expressions i have no clue what the are
and where or how to use them.
Reading is explaining a lot, but some main things i do not understand.
sometimes it is as 1 thing has two words, and the next moment in line as they are different things.
1, motor - Drive
2, printhead motor
3 tools
3 heater (why so many)
4, extruder moves
5, bang-bang mode
6, Thermostatic control
and there are more i assume
maybe someone can and will explain, how to see those in relation ..
Yess, Yess... This is the missing brick, On this i can continiu-
As in the file:
M584 X0 Y1:3 Z2 U9 E4:5:6 P5
where X= #0 stepper
where Y= #1 & #3 stepper
where Z= #2 stepper
Where U = dummy #9
where 4,5 and 6 are E-motors
i did just now:
M584 X5 Ym6 Ys7 Z8 U9 P5
where motor 5-9 are on the expansion breakout board.
As you see, i used Ym and Ys (master and slave), and P5 to make 5 motors visible.
than i did :
M584 X5 Y6:7 Z8 U9 P5
but non is happening...
@deckingman As i said before, i only have the basic config.g file.
i have tried to give the P a value of 5, but did not see really a change.
wat do i have: (board and machine are not hookt up yet)
X-axsis, Y-axis master and Y-axis slave Z-axis A and B axis (rotation head on the Z-axis)
Those last two i will be removed and not use on this machine for now.
the machine is screw-driven and i do use a stepper expansion board because the Duet 2 is not capable to run steppers over 2A, and i use external steppers.
@danal took a wile before i understood,
My board, laying next to me, is only hooked up tu 5 volt (usb) and not jet to the machine,
so as requested...
{"status":"O","coords":{"axesHomed":[0,0,0],"wpl":1,"xyz":[0.000,0.000,0.000],"machine":[0.000,0.000,0.000],"extr":[]},"speeds":{"requested":0.0,"top":0.0},"currentTool":-1,"params":{"atxPower":0,"fanPercent":[30,100,100,0,0,0,0,0,0],"fanNames":["","","","","","","","",""],"speedFactor":100.0,"extrFactors":[],"babystep":0.000},"seq":13,"sensors":{"probeValue":1000,"fanRPM":0},"temps":{"current":[2000.0,2000.0,2000.0,2000.0,2000.0,2000.0,2000.0,2000.0],"state":[0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0],"names":["","","","","","","",""],"tools":{"active":[],"standby":[]},"extra":[{"name":"*MCU","temp":40.0}]},"time":90031.0,"coldExtrudeTemp":160.0,"coldRetractTemp":90.0,"compensation":"None","controllableFans":1,"tempLimit":290.0,"endstops":4095,"firmwareName":"RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet","geometry":"cartesian","axes":3,"totalAxes":4,"axisNames":"XYZU","volumes":2,"mountedVolumes":1,"name":"WorkBee","probe":{"threshold":600,"height":39.55,"type":5},"tools":[],"mcutemp":{"min":28.9,"cur":40.0,"max":41.0},"vin":{"min":0.7,"cur":1.7,"max":1.8}}
As i played with this M-code, and no change appeared, can it be so that the board actually has to be hooked up to the machine to show the status of the machine??
@deckingman ,@bearer , I still are reading and reading, my self in to this config.g file.
i do not have yet a config other than the basic one. (and experimenting from that point)
@bearer said in Display of axis:
they should be displayed if they are configured i think.
Jea, now you speak about so, i have read somewhere about this, can't remember where..
@deckingman thank you for the lead, i will make use of your info, and pointing me to the M584 code and the P values
I do not use the Duet 2 in a 3D printer, but on my CNC machines.
The machine i offered to electronic rebuild has 6 axis. 4 for the Cartesian movements ( X, Ym & Ys and the Z axis). on the Z axis is a kind of gimbal system (A & B axis) to move the former router under an angle.
If i look at the DWC screen, I only see 3 axis X,Y & Z.
Is there a way i can visualize within DWC all of my axis?? (position and movement)