@dc42 Thanks for the confirmation.
@PaulHew I didn't know. I do now. Thanks for the information. Nice to have them in sync.

Posts made by stuartsm
RE: Baby stepping differences between PanelDue and DWC
Baby stepping differences between PanelDue and DWC
I'm still coming to grips with Duet and loving the journey.
I've just noticed that on PanelDue, the baby steps are 0.02mm, but on DWC, they are 0.05mm.
Just wondering what the logic behind this is. I'm finding 0.05 is about half the thickness of the paper I use for levelling. 0.02mm seems more appropriate for dialling in the level when printing the skirt.
RE: Thanks for a fantastic controller design.
The case really has no relation to the CR10. Its all to do with the requirements for the power supply, Duet Wifi and the mosfets that I used. The case has a lot of workarounds mainly due to my deficiencies in design.
At the time I had no choice but to print on a raft to avoid warping which meant that I couldn't use the full working area of the bed.
It still a work in progress as there is no provision for the BLtouch connection or the connection for the thermistor for my enclosure heater.
I'd recommend designing your own as a design project to learn how to work around the limitations of your printer. In hindsight, I'd probably make the case a little longer to free up some space in it. In reality, the case probably used about 1 spool of ABS, but I think I used 5 to get to the point that I was happy with what I had designed.
I've also replaced all the cables on the printer. The case has 3 DB9 connectors on the rear panel, one for each of the axes, and 3 DB 15 connectors for the hotend, bed and enclosure heater. Although there are only 4 wires required for the bed, I've used 12 pins in the DB15 to power the bed heater with 2 for the thermistor. The enclosure heater is similar, but the last 2 wires are used to power the fan that keeps the hot air moving around the enclosure.
Its scary when you realise how many wires are required for the hotend. 4 for the extruder stepper, 2 for the hotend fan and 2 for the part cooling fan, 2 for the hotend heater, 2 for the hotend thermistor.
In the next few days, I'll get some photos together to make it a bit clearer. -
Thanks for a fantastic controller design.
Several months ago, I bought a Duet Wifi and 7" PanelDue. Its been slow progress, designing and printing (and redesigning) (rinse and repeat until satisfied) a case for it.
To add to the delay, I also migrated my Creality CR10 to an E3dV6 with direct Titan Extruder.
Today I finished the cables between the controller and the printer.It is printing its first print as I type.
I am so impressed with the ease of configuring the printer and so thankful for this forum which has helped me over little hurdles.
Now I just have to get my BLtouch connected and my laser filament sensor running and it will be complete.
Without this forum, I would never have considered replacing the controller.
Many thanks for the work put into the firmware and the helpful responses in the forum.
I've not yet had to post as the answers I required were always already there.I'm sure i will though at some point.
Again, thanks for making this process as painless as it was.
Stuart Smith
RE: PanelDuet chamber temperature?
Although I'm a bit late, I'm im the middle of implementing an enclosure and enclosure heater. I would love display and control of enclosure temperature from the front panel. Using the console to issue M141 commands works but is less than convenient.
RE: Crimping tool?
I'm using this one from hobbyking. Its designed for JST SH connectors but works really well on the terminals supplied with the Duet boards.
Its also the right price.