@jay_s_uk Wow I seriously have read over that 10 times I think. sorry for the unnessecary question
Thanks all!

Best posts made by SanderLPFRG
RE: On-device start gcode handling
RE: longterm probe reliability testing
@Notepad works really well, thanks!
Got good results too, and plotted them in graphs! which shows a fun correlation of the temperature drift of our probe!
Thanks for the script! Appreciate it
RE: How do I use the filament sensor as a trigger for autoloading??
@OwenD I did exactly that yesterday late afternoon. It is working now.
; Custom buttons M950 J1 C"^io2.in" ; define logical input for E1 filamentsensor M581 P1 T2 S0 R2 ; define trigger for filament auto load (trigger2.g) M581 P1 T4 S1 R1 ; define trigger for filament runout (trigger4.g)
Thank you very much both!
RE: Other analog Scanning Z Probes?
@SanderLPFRG Got it working, version mismatch.
RE: Trying to fix my dual markforged (HAQ-XY) kinematics
@gloomyandy said in Trying to fix my dual markforged (HAQ-XY) kinematics:
at it is probably not a good thing
Ill redesign the belt tensioning mechanism and the belt mounting, when measuring it indeed looks to be too loose
WIll see what this does -
RE: M291 S4+ commands not working on RRF 3.5beta2
@chrishamm It works!!
It both updated correctly, and now the M291 functions correctly.
Massive thanks Chris and Tony.I'll now work on trying to understand how I can use the input to trigger Gcode commands
Home aditional V/W axis individually with probe
Hi all,
We have made a 3D printer with 2 micro-Z printhead axes (V and W), which move the IDEX printheads up and down 14mm to level 2 different tool types and automatically adjust/calibrate the printhead Z-offset.
We first got this system working with a microswitch type probe, which we, in a macro, temporarily reconfigured as an endstop for axis V/W, which we then "homed" towards the printed until triggered. When done for both tools, this calibrated the Z-offset automatically.
Now, however, we moved over to a loadcell probe (analog readout via configuring as scanning Z-probe, amplified and filtered with custom CAN-communicated PCB) which we cannot configure as an endstop to home towards.
My question is;
Is it possible to do a G30 S-1 probe (just probe and stop) with a probe number defined (K0/K1), but move axis V or W instead of the Z-axisnote;
running 3.6.0 beta-2 -
RE: move outside of machine limits with G2 move, in tool 2
@T3P3Tony Hey Tony,
We found the issue to be regarding the V axis being too low.
Why it triggered only with G2 enabled gcodes remains a question still, but since we adapted the starting codes to account for the V being out of bounds we have not had the issue.
Maybe an improvement is to add the relevant axis number to the errorcode for future firmware?
RE: Cannot use M291 input as variable in loop
@OwenD Damn, this did the trick. Thank you so much owen! also thanks @chrishamm
RE: Home aditional V/W axis individually with probe
@gloomyandy G38.2 in the end worked!!
You can move an axes until the specified probe is triggered. Works like a charm.
G38.2 K0 V-14 G38.2 K1 W-14
RE: longterm probe reliability testing
My goal is to test a shitload of probes, and see how much it starts to deviate after thousands. Your script might actually work, let me test
RE: Mesh compensation which accounts for G10 X&Y tool offsets
Yes, in short.The G-code is printing between X-50 and X50. When I measure the adaptive mesh over this area (the middle of the bed) and then print in mirror mode, the firmware applies the mesh data from X-50 to X50, even though the print is shifted to an offset region (e.g., X-150 to X-50 with a 100mm offset).
To fix this, I trick RRF into measuring the offset area (X-150 to X-50) while it believes it's probing around X0. This way, when printing, it applies the heightmap it thinks is from X0, but it's actually from the offset area where the print will take place.