Set M574 to S1

Best posts made by rodek
Latest posts made by rodek
RE: First layer level issues delta
Have you followed the instruction here
RE: Marlin ABL Vs Duet ABL
As one who used Marlin, I purchased my first DuetWifi a couple years ago and I would not go back to Marlin, all 3 of my printers at home are DuetWifi, so I maybe a little bias.
Also this forum is a great wealth of knowledge. -
RE: DUET WiFi E0 / E1 no workie - config?
for the extruder to work the hot end must be 160deg or you could use a M302 to allow for cold extrusion.
RE: Questions printing PETG
I print PETG with 60 deg. bed temp on PEI and it sticks all to well.
RE: DC42 Just thought
What is the release date of the Duet3 and smart tool board?
DC42 Just thought
Currently I'm building a 400mm X 450mm build area delta printer using a Duet wifi and the smart effector, i was talking with a co-worker about it and some of my concerns 1 being the how long and the number of wires going to the effector. during our conversation the thought of using some form of RF communication from the Duet Wifi and the smart effector so all that would be needed to run to the effector would be a power source, I know that it would require re-design of the smart effector as well as Duet wifi anyhow it is just a thought.
RE: Need Fan mosfets replaced on Duet wifi
Thank you for your help, BTW the Duet WIFI is a excellent board, I read The Duet WIFI V1.03 has fused fan will that save the fan mosfets from a short? -
RE: Need Fan mosfets replaced on Duet wifi
You can E-Mail me at with your info, I'm Building a CoreXY now so I'm using the board on my old printer to make parts for the CoreXY looks like it will be a few week before I order a new one for the CoreXY. once I have it up and running I will send off to you.
Thank You for all your help.
Robert -
RE: Need Fan mosfets replaced on Duet wifi
Dave, How do you send a PM on the new forum?