Fair enough, that's off the list then! 🙂
Regards grounding most switch mode PSUs have a capacative link between the DC negative and protective earth. I've found my ethernet connected v0.6 and v0.8.5 units don't connect well to the ethernet when there is no link between protective earth and dc negative. In an ideal world I would pull my finger out and build the circuit recommended by another forum user that creates a bit of a seperation between protective earth and dc earth but lets voltages through that are over a threshold.
Edit: Getting decent low resistance earths throughout a machine can be tricky. Especially so on an alloy extrustion machine but think yours is assembled/pressed steel? Tho be honest if the motor bodies are grounded I doubt it is worth spending much more effort on it. That said some people have grounded the hotends but think that was to ease temerature reading noise. I'm also assuming that grounding your extruder drive stepper will ground you extruder. Similar to before though, I doubt it will be the magic bullet.