Oh no, it crashed my z-offsets. But why? I implemented it it in the start gcode

Posts made by Mike 1
RE: Select a default tool in a toolchanger arrangement
RE: Select a default tool in a toolchanger arrangement
@mikeabuilder said in Select a default tool in a toolchanger arrangement:
; set the tool if only the first extruder is used
{if is_extruder_used[0] and not is_extruder_used[1] and not is_extruder_used[2]}T0{endif}Thanks! That's what I have been looking for!
Now it works, as if prusa would add T0 to their gcode.
The issue with T0 or T1 as a first tool is really annoying.Thanks to the others for the great support:-)
RE: Losing Wifi
Now ist seams to work!M552 S0 ; Disable Networking G4 P200 ; wait for x milliseconds M552 S1 ; Enable Networking M586 P0 S1 ; Enable HTTP M586 P1 S0 ; Disable FTP
RE: Select a default tool in a toolchanger arrangement
I am using PrusaSlicer 2.9.1. and i regularly forget to select a tool.
Unfortunately the custom gcode starts before a tool is selected in the gcode. So a tool is picked up every time for no reason. A switch would unfortunately not work for the same reason. Or do I miss something?
Mike -
Losing Wifi
I do have some issues with my wifi. I think my neighbours are quite busy al well
So I would like to restart the wifi from time to time again to get access to the webinterface again.
This is my macro. But why does it not work?M552 S0 ; Disable Networking M552 S1 ; Enable Networking M586 P0 S1 ; Enable HTTP M586 P1 S0 ; Disable FTP
Or is there a way to stop the error messages on my PanelDue?
Mike -
Select a default tool in a toolchanger arrangement
I am using PrusaSlicer as my standard slicing tool for my toolchanger. If I do not select a specific tool the printer starts printing with the end stop swich for the z-axis and kills it.
The firmware complains, that extuding is not possible, but continues the job.
Right now I fix it with this start code which causes other issues in the startup process:if state.currentTool = -1 ;check if a tool selected code added because slicer does not select T0 at the very beginning T0
Is there another way to stop the print or use T0 as the standard tool?
Mike -
Thermistor issues
Hello everyone,
I had to repace a heater and thermistor due to hardware damage. I use Firmware V3.5.2 and a daughter board (the preowner istalled it).
I replaced it with with one of these:
After switching it on, the display showed 2000C. Now I disasseblemd it and used a PT100. Still 2000C
Here is the code from the config file that used to work:; Heater2
M308 S2 P"spi.cs1" Y"rtd-max31865" A"T1" ; create sensor number 2 as a PT100 sensor in the second position on the Duet 2 daughterboard connector
;M308 S2 P"e1temp" Y"thermistor" A"T1" T100000 B4725 C7.06e-8 ; Set thermistor
M950 H2 C"e1heat" T2 ; Extruder 0 heater
M143 H2 S300Did I kill the board or is there a fix? I could use the PT100 in the future.
Mike -
RE: Automatic calibration
@stuartofmt Maybee that would be an option. Use the information from the filament sensor and pressure to calculate the real flow in time.
RE: Automatic calibration
@deckingman That's right. Some special hardware ist needed. Maybee you can gain some information from the motor currents or a more clever filament sensor would be an option. I just love open source and hope it will stay for a long time.
Automatic calibration
I fond this article and would really appreicate if suche a feature would be implemented to improve print quality and stay cometitive withs B....
Happy printing
Mike! -
RE: Muti tool setup
@T3P3Tony said in Muti tool setup:
echo state.currentTool
I am currently away from the printer and made a remote test. Seams to work right now.
Do only have this Warning:
Warning: Obsolete use of S parameter on G1 command. Use H parameter instead.Will test it with "echo state.currentTool" and come back on eastern.
Muti tool setup
I do have a E3d Toolchanger with firmware version 3.4x and have the issue that picking up the tool does not work with first job and first tool. This is so because it is missing in the gcode.
I tried to fix it with this custom code:
if state.currentTool = -1 ;check if a tool selected code added because slicer does not select T0 at the very beginning
T0The second job makes problemes and starts without a tool. scrating the end stop over the printing surface. I end job with the following code:
G1 Z2 F1000 ;Drop Bed
T-1 ;Drop off the tool
G1 X20 Y200 F50000 ;Park
M0 ;turn off all heatersThanks for your help!
Mike -
RE: Automatic input shaping tuning?
That would be great. There is so much to calibrate with different materials etc.. So having something to support it would be great!
RE: Wiping an purging control
I am using a 0.6mm steel nozzle and it has some issues with thermal conductivity (small parts are fine, big parts need a higher temperature 265°C + x for PETG with the risk of burend material) so I am thinking about going back to 0.4mm as these have much less issues and slicers have problems with differernt diameters at the same time. The alternative would be a CHT like nozzle. I have to think about it.
M207 might be a good idea.
I am struggeling with ability to use absolute and relative values for the extruder in the gcode.
I don't know how the gcode interferes with M207. Issue is the time from the wiping station to the printig object. So the correct way to do, would be to bring the prinhead back to its position and then unretract. But one part is driven by the printer and one by the gcode.Unfortunately I will leave my printer behind for a few weeks on Thuesday again.
If you have a good idea to fix it, I would really appreciate it. But I am short in time and will have to make a break.
RE: Wiping an purging control
Now it working fine.
I have a varible in start.g for the used filament.
tpost.g updates the variable for the used filament for each toolchange
wipe.g is executed by gcode
brush.g starts the cleaning processstart.g
tbrush0.gBut oozing is an issue now. Can I reduce the amont of filament for M101?
if {heat.heaters[1].current > heat.heaters[1].active - 5} && {heat.heaters[1].current > 150};min temperature to work
;brush in
G1 X331.3 Y150 F50000
G1 X331.3 Y100 F50000
G1 X331.3 Y170 F50000
G1 X331.3 Y100 F50000
G1 X331.3 Y170 F50000
G1 X331.3 Y100 F50000
echo "temperature too low to brush" -
RE: Wiping an purging control
Oh sorry, I was out for a while.
It is working with move.extruders[0].rawPosition. As I do have 4 extruders is there an easy way to replace the 0 by the number of the active extruder?
I am thinking about replacing global.wipesDone by a global.raw position. Then I would give it the current value in the brush.g and check the difference move.extruders[0].rawPosition-global.raw > x and control the process by this.
Brushing works fine
RE: Wiping an purging control
Now I added two new files in system folder, but it is not working.Wipe is executed and I get "wipe.g finished" as a feedback.
RE: Wiping an purging control
A silicone sock is in use. I made some tests with PTFE coated nozzles. I used them up to 240°C. That did not fix all my issues. Did you test PETG? -
RE: Wiping an purging control
That looks fine in my eyes. Maybee some issues when changing the extruder. I will test it on Thuesday. Thanx! -
RE: Wiping an purging control
@OwenD said in Wiping an purging control:
I don't really understand why using relative is an issue
Maybee I am wrong with my understanding how it works. I want to to make a wipe operation after x mm of processed filament triggerd by layer change. Adding the extruded filament for each line of gcodes does not seam to be possible for me. So I need some kind of absolute value.