It would be really nice if Duet Web Control could Log the temperatures and positions with timestamps that it receives from the board to a CSV locally on the machine where Duet Web Control is running in the Browser.

Best posts made by lee7670
Logging Temperatures and positions to CSV from Duet Web Control
Support for BISS-C Encoders on 1HCL via IC-Haus IC-MB4 Chip
It would be extremely useful to support using an absolute linear encoder to close the position loop on BISS-C Absolute Linear encoders as the linear element in a dual loop configuration.To that end, there is a relatively (~$10USD) affordable IC that is SPI accessible that can handle 2 BISS-C/SSI encoders.
US Sample Shop
German Sample Shop this case, instead of using the duet magnetic encoder on the motor and a quadrature encoder on the load,
you could use either a quadrature encoder on the motor and a BISS-C Absolute linear encoder on the load.
Alternatively, the IC-MB4 supports 2 BISS-C encoders when used with external RS-422 transceivers so you could just use a second absolute Biss-C encoder on the motor itself, so you don't have to phase the motor upon power on.Examples of BISS-C encoders that are applicable to this use case
Renishaw Resolute
RLS LA11 -
TMC4671 expansion board
The TMC4671 ( can support steppers, Three-Phase, and DC motors/voice coils all running closed loop with Field Oriented Control for steppers and three phase motors.
Having an expansion board running one or more of these of these drivers with a power stage of 4 half bridges would allow maximum flexibility for motors/feedback.
There are dual feedback inputs so you can have one feedback mechanism for commutation and one for the actual position loop. They support both incremental ABN encoders, Hall sensors, and BISS-C/SSI encoders.
This would allow you to drive essentially any motor in step/direction mode from a duet.
Sweet tiny extruder with a micro geared dc motor for the smallest direct drive possible ( You got It!
Drive a linear motor for the absolute fastest speeds for benchy printing? You can do it!
Motor torque feedback for extruder pushing force tracking and grinding prevention? Totally doable.
Want to drive a voice coil optical stage that you got on ebay just because? Easy.
Got your hands on some optical scales from a CNC and never want to use limit switches again? Sure.
That's a lot of functionality for a 12USD chip...
M291 Image File Support
It would be really interesting to support Image serving in the M291 command to better allow setup procedure to be shown that aren't easily described using text.
Use cases would be things like CNC setups, cleaning procedures, bed prep procedures, warnings to clear certain areas, etc.
I( have a couple of procedures where it would be really helpful to allow operators to check visual references against an image.
This could even be a pi exclusive feature if the Duet 3 MB6HC can't handle serving image files.
See this reference from HAAS on what this could look like. Massive Cheese warning.... -
RE: Using multiple outputs for single heater
I have a similar situation where this would be very useful in general for heater outputs for multi-heater beds and extruders and other things.
RE: Wiring a 3 pin end-stop switch a Duet3 6HC
You'll want to use the general IO headers for this.
Choose one, I usually start with IO_1.
Connect 5V_ext to V+.
Connect Ground to Ground.
Connect the Signal pin to