@fcwilt my height map looks better then that however still lifts off on one side by about 1mm. So You don't know what your talking about and are just trolling at this point. You have not contributed anything at all besides criticizing my terminology I use. I don't want you to comment any longer and be on your way now...

Controversial posts made by Kwad3D 0
RE: BL Touch Issues... Again and Again...
RE: BL Touch Issues... Again and Again...
If I have to explain what that meant then you obviously are not going to be of much assistance. I never said Mesh Leveling I only said "Mesh" which is actually a generic term used in 3D printing to describe the the grid generated either manually or by a probe. "Height Map" is a term not used with Marlin or other firmware I'm aware of and is generically referred to by Mesh. Being I run a shop with 30 machines of different operating systems I tend to use the more widely accepted term. Semantics over proper terminology is not going to assist me however but Thanks for commenting though...
. -
RE: BL Touch Issues... Again and Again...
@fcwilt If you say so.... regardless your of no assistance to my issue if you can't figure out what's going on here LOL. Duet3D support will understand just fine as they always do and have a non condescending reply that addresses my direct issue.
RE: BL Touch Issues... Again and Again...
@fcwilt Your not here to help so I will just hang out for a Mod who knows what there talking about and what Im talking about. Like I said earlier.... If you don't know what the word "Mesh" is referring to then you don't have the mental capacity to be of any assistance. However I don't believe this is the case. I think that you know what I referred to and are just playing a childish game to pass some time....
RE: BL Touch Issues... Again and Again...
@fcwilt Oh Your still here??? Thought I said you could leave.....