Ladies and gents,
I'm on 3.4.0rc2 and really struggling with new DWC layout on mobile.
I keep constantly jumping between Status and Dashboard to get things done.
As it is now under the Status you have Tool Position and tool/bed Temperatures and Dashboard has Machine Movement, Extrusion Control and Fan Control.
When I jog around or adjust z height etc I need to know Tool Position but that means jumping to Status to check and then back to Dashboard to adjust and round robins.
Also having Extrusion Control and Tool Temperatures would make sense to have together too aka keep an eye on when temp is up and then extrude/retract.
Last one, when editing files aka config.g keyboard is not popping up on iOS (it does work under the Console)
Could this be so called Feature Request to "dev gods" or anyone knows the fix which does not involve running older DWC variant?!