You can monitor it in Duet Web Control by connecting it to a spare thermistor input and using M305 to create a named virtual heater for it. Also configure the thermistor parameters in the M305 command.
To have the print stop when the temperature gets too high, use M143 to configure a heater protection item for that virtual heater.
Thank you so much. The G92 works in the homedelta.g file. I had tried that in the individual home files but it wouldn't hold the value when I used G28. Facepalm.
David, your responsiveness to issues and helpfulness on the forum is unparalleled. Thank you.
Oh, and a tool offset is just that. Doesn't change G53. If a tool offset is 'active', that offset gets mathematically applied to the coordinates specified in the G0/G1 command to derive absolute coordinates, and then the machine moves there.
I'm at 14 steppers – dual idex. 4 for each x axis, 4 for the extruders, 2 on each Y gantry (4 total)-- running of the LCD header -- paralleled to 4 tmc2100s -- each output of the LCD header is split to 2 tmc2100s -- so I can get 24v to each Y stepper, and 2 lead screws. All working together.
I was running the 1.19Beta11. Updated to the newest release and everything works It's just like you to solve problems I didn't even know I had, lol! Thank you so much David! The features you're working on are amazing!!!