Ok, I have thrown out nearly a spool of filament, and this is getting old.
The other day, I was printing a long print over night, and noticed an unusual burning smell in the morning. It was something new I haven't smelled before and I really couldn't figure out what the smell was, or where it was coming from. Sniffing up close... I couldn't find it. I've been cautiously babysitting my printer during shorter runs, and everything has been working fine...
I had a print just stop, and seen a print cancelled warning due to heater fault. I figured that had to be related to the smell. I happily swapped my heater cartridge. While I was at it, I installed my PT100 I have been putting off.
So with a new heater, heater block, nozzle and heat break I felt confident that my problem was solved. That is until I had another long print fail for heater fault. I need these parts, and cannot babysit a 20 hr print, so I have no choice to run them over night. (They are at work, not in a residential building).
I have changed the heater, again, investigated my wiring and connectors, and everything seems to check out.
I am not running a fan at all (this seems to be a common issue).
I have ran the autotune a couple times now.
Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later + DueX5
Firmware Version: 1.21 (2018-03-21)
WiFi Server Version: 1.21
Web Interface Version: 1.21
This last time it faulted while I was nearby. I was able to snag a screenshot after I resumed printing.

What should I look into now?