Thanks for the replies. I am using a fairly basic 2 channel "arduino" style relay with optocoupler Hobbycomponents HCARDU0043 to be precise. I take 5V and ground from the Duet2 expansion port and then use the Fan2 Ground side?? connector to bring the relay "in" pin low and activate the relay.
I have been using this relay to switch on and off my router with no problems but now when I use Fan1 ground pin to bring the other relay "in" pin low, the relay activates all the time and won't switch off The Fan1 ground pin is low all the time regardless of my commands
The vacuum is just a henry by the way for dust collection. My setup works on Fan0 and Fan2 but not Fan1 which is why I am confused.
I could leave it like this but I would like to know why Fan1 isn't working the same way as the other 2.
M42 P2 S1 brings on the Router and M42 P0 S1 brings on the hoover no problem. Thanks.