or should I being doing something similar to rotary delta with segmented motion? Is that a valid work around? I could change all axes to be linear axes, but use segmented motion instead in the constructor. Would I need to change anything else if I tried that?
I just tried this to see what might happen. I changed my kinematics class to:
MyKinematics::MyKinematics() : Kinematics(KinematicsType::myKinematics, DefaultSegmentsPerSecond, DefaultMinSegmentSize, false), numTowers(UsualNumTowers)
I took the definitions of the defaults from rotary delta kinematics, 100, and 0.2 respectively
I also changed GetMotionType to:
MotionType LinearDelta7DKinematics::GetMotionType(size_t axis) const
return MotionType::linear;
Things mostly work now, but the motion is not entirely smooth. It is definitely trying to approximate a straight line, but not quite right. As far as I can tell all of the moves do at least arrive in the correct spot.