@Gear To expand on that, my slicer start code does nothing more than call a pre-print macro and the end code does nothing more than call a post-print macro. All the temperature settings are disabled in the slicer. The macro do it all. The reason for that is it gives me much better control over the order that things happen. So rather than setting the hot end and bed temperatures then waiting for them before anything else happens, I heat the bed to about 40 and wait. Once that threshold is reached, I start heating the bed to it's final value but while that is happening, I start heating the hot end and home all axes. The net result is that everything that needs to be done before a print starts, happens in the time it takes to heat the bed. I use different macros for each filament type. So if I print something in PLA,but then want to print it again in PET-G, I simply edit the gcode file to call a different macro. No need to re-slice.