@dc42 Hi all,
So in essence I need to make these
Along with the inverter chip and pullups.
I also need to cut the traces on the TMC5160 stepstick boards as shown here. Although I haven't worked out which to cut or not cut yet. I would be grateful if I could get some hints on that.
I can use the below document to calculate the necessary settings. Microstepping is fairly obvious and I would dipswitch these for easy changes. I think I just need spreadCycle and Not stealthChop (I'm not worried by sound levels etc) and I also I won't need hold current reduction. I'm not sure how to read the current settings. IRun =16 etc is a bit of a mystery to me at the moment.
I am at present gathering all the information together and will most likely EasyEDA a schematic and post that up. I am in no hurry. Thanks for the help, Gabbie