@br7408 Please send an email to warranty@duet3d.com and CC your reseller. Include a link to this forum thread and the details of your original purchase. You'll receive a reply with a form to fill out.
@br7408 Please send an email to warranty@duet3d.com and CC your reseller. Include a link to this forum thread and the details of your original purchase. You'll receive a reply with a form to fill out.
@elmoret Could you connect it via CAN to a mainboard? Just to check it shows up.
@Polyneutron21 What "adapter board" are you referring to? Is this the "third party CAN board"? And by "works perfectly" do you mean it powers on? Because it won't be talking to RRF unless it's running RRF, which it won't be.
Your wiring looks correct from the (clone) 1LC, at least as far as the first plug: red is +5V, black is GND, white is CAN_H, yellow is CAN_L.
Note in your first post, you stated:
Then I connected the green (CanH) and white (CanL)
But the CAN wiring coming from the 1LC is actually white (going to white) is CAN_H, and yellow (going to green) is CAN_L. See the 1LC v1.1 wiring diagram here https://docs.duet3d.com/duet_boards/duet_3_can_expansion/duet_3_1lc_v1.1_wiring.png
Did you test the SZP in that plug? Beyond that, I really can't really tell what's happening with the wiring, as it's mostly out of focus.
@3DOeste There's a bug with 3.6.0-beta.3 on Duet Ethernet boards. See https://forum.duet3d.com/post/350049 for updated version.
@DocTrucker said in Network Security - Which ports do Duets use?:
MQTT is interesting, learnt something by mistake there!
It was added with 3.5, but not something I've set up. See https://docs.duet3d.com/User_manual/Reference/Gcodes#m5864-configure-mqtt-client and https://github.com/Duet3D/MQTT-WPA2-Enterprise-Demo.
@DocTrucker What ports are open depends on what you have enabled in config.g with M586. The services use the default port for that service, though you can set your own port using M586 R parameter. Sending M586
on it's own should show what ports are enabled on your Duet. I get (Duet 3 Mini 5+ WiFi on RRF 3.6.0-beta.3, http and ftp enabled in config.g):
CORS disabled
HTTP is enabled on port 80
FTP is enabled on port 21
TELNET is disabled
MQTT is disabled
To confirm, I did a port scan from Terminal in MacOS:
Ian@Ians-MacBook ~ % nc -z 1-65535
Connection to port 21 [tcp/ftp] succeeded!
Connection to port 80 [tcp/http] succeeded!
Ian@Ians-MacBook ~ %
Not sure about what ports the Raspberry Pi has open. One for @chrishamm !
@br7408 said in IR Height Sensor:
It certainly looks to be a bit flaky. I think it should be replaced.
How do I initiate obtaining a replacement?
Is a Duet3D IR probe? Is it less than two years old? Where did you buy it from?
Here's the terms of the warranty: https://www.duet3d.com/page/warranty-policy
@rschlachter said in Resurrecting a printer from 4+ years ago:
Given the new bed size and taller z axis, I know I can't just plug it in and start printing. So should I start completely fresh? Or try to see where I'm at and modify/upgrade?
I'd probably just start again, first by updating the firmware to the latest, as there have been a lot of developments in the last 4 years. Start as if starting again for the first time: https://docs.duet3d.com/en/How_to_guides/Getting_connected/Getting_connected_to_your_Duet
Create a new configuration set of files using the configuration tool:
Is RRF still the way to go? Or is Klipper the new standard? I'm not afraid to switch if it makes sense.
You're on the Duet/RRF forum, so people are likely to have strong opinions about that! Switching to Klipper will require a Raspberry Pi or similar. Duet boards can run Klipper, but we (Duet3D) don't provide support. Performance- and feature-wise there's little to choose between them.
I should be able to grab some of the files and settings from the card, right? I did everything through the web interface previously. No PanelDue.
You can use your old config, assuming you're on RRF 2.x, to inform your new config. But I'd generate a new config set, rather than try and bash the old one into shape.
Anything else I should know before I jump back in?
We're here for you!
@machinemark Great! I haven't used it myself, so didn't want to give you a command to follow, as it might have been wrong! You didn't have to send
@jasko said in SD CARD PROBLEM DUET 6HC V1.01:
SD card 0 detected, interface speed: 12.5MBytes/sec
It says the card is detected, but the interface speed is slow for a 6HC; it should be 25MB/sec. This may suggest an issue with the SD card or the socket. As you have tried other SD cards, can you post a picture of the SD card socket and the components around it?
If you remove the card, does M122 then report it starting in SBC mode? If the SD socket has failed, and the board is over 2 years old (ie out of warranty), you may be able to run it in SBC mode.
@qlqlo said in 6HC capabilities:
- Our original plan was to use the Duet 3 6HC mainboard powered by a 48V PSU. We selected six stepper motors (one each for X, Y, and Z axes, plus three more for other functions), each rated for 48V and 3.18A.
Those stepper motors should be fine, and are within the capability of the 6HC stepper drivers (6.3A peak current/4.45A RMS). Note that stepper drivers' current rating is usually quoted as either peak or RMS (you haven't specified which yours is). RepRapFirmware uses peak current. Divide peak current by 1.414 for RMS current. Stepper motor current is rarely set at the full current capability of the motor, as this tends to heat them up excessively, but at 80% of full current. See https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Connecting_hardware/Motors_choosing#detailed-considerations
- Since the total current output from the board would be approximately 30A, would the 6HC be suitable for this setup, or would we need to consider the Duet 3 6XD instead?
Stepper motors rarely work at peak current, though the peak they could theoretically reach is 18A (assuming your quoted 3.18A is peak current). Heaters, once they reach temperature, also do not pull full current all of the time (though using PWM control, they are turned on and off quickly). Will you have a number of heaters connected direct to the Duet 6HC? Note OUT 1/2/3 current limit is 6A.
48V at 30A is what we suggest as the maximum current, as that is the fused limit of V_Fused (15A) and Out0 (15A); see https://docs.duet3d.com/Duet3D_hardware/Duet_3_family/Duet_3_Mainboard_6HC_Hardware_Overview#operating-limits
Note that V_Fused supplies the stepper drivers and OUT 1/2/3, as well as all other components on the 6HC (though these are unlikely to draw very much current).
- Can the 3.3V IO outputs on the 6HC board control solid-state relays (SSRs) for 230V heaters, or would we need to step up the control voltage to a higher level to ensure reliable operation?
That really depends on the SSR you choose, and if they support that voltage for switching. You can also use the heater outputs themselves (OUT 0/1/2/3) to switch an SSR, which would be at the VIN voltage (48V). See https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Connecting_hardware/Heaters_bed#bed-heater-driven-using-a-solid-state-relay for our recommendations for DC/DC and DC/AC SSRs.
@machinemark Ah, right, you can't click to get to the console. Yes, you can send Gcodes via html. See https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/wiki/HTTP-requests#get-rr_gcode
Probably have a read of the whole page.
@aceranic said in MMU - Single nozzle, multi material (filament):
One thing regarding the GPIO and Arduino. I connected pin13 and one ground pin from duet to arduino. Is this ok?
Does it require any additional resistors or other components?
I think that should be okay. You're not pushing voltage from the Arduino into the Duet, so they are just sharing a GND. Should be fine, especially if they powered from the same PSU.
@Guus Interesting! As it has an STM32F407, you might be able to run RepRapFirmware on it via the STM port of the firmware: https://teamgloomy.github.io/.
@jay_s_uk might know if it would work, though it may take some effort to get it working, because you would have to define what the pins do. And the linear encoders would still not be supported in firmware.
And you have a Mini 5+ now, so probably not much point.
@Guus The controller board is interesting. It looks like it has an ARM MCU, and the encoder plugs in directly to that. The stepper drivers are standard 'stepstick' plug-in modules, and are probably Allegro A4988 drivers. I'd guess the firmware reads the motor position from the encoder, and maybe adjusts the position, but this isn't quite closed loop, as it's not taking the motor commutation into account, which allows for accurate positioning. The drivers on the Mini 5+, even though in open loop mode, will be nicer!
Interesting that there are 5 drivers on the motor board. I guess it uses three for X, Y and Z. Does it use the driver with 8 output pins for Y? What does it use the other drivers for? I did see it comes with other tools, eg paste dispenser and pick-and-place toolhead, so I assume those.
@damaged_goods You could perhaps trigger a homing move when Z changes, using daemon.g, (assuming you don't use Z lift on travel moves), but a better way to do it is to add a homing move in the layer change Gcode in the slicer. Most slicers can do this nowadays.
@Guus said in Support for AS5311 High Resolution Linear Encoder:
The AS5047P is at the "Duet3D Magnetic Encoder".
Ah, yes, so it is! https://github.com/Duet3D/Duet3-Magnetic-Encoder/blob/main/Duet 3 Magnetic Encoder v0.3/MagEnc_Schematic_v0.3.pdf
Can I use the "Duet3D Magnetic Encoder" as an linear encoder instead of on the back of a stepper motor?
No. It communicates via an SPI interface. As far as I know, the 1HCL expects the rotary encoder on the SPI input, and the linear encoder on the quadrature input. You need both for the linear composite encoder that the 1HCL supports.
I would think you could shrink the size of the PCB to NEMA 14, there seems to be a lot of spare space on the PCB. You could also mount the NEMA 17 size Duet 3 Magnetic Encoder on a NEMA 14 motor with a suitable adapter.
Are you sure there is no encoder on the motor shaft already?
@timschneider Great, thanks, I'll poke @dc42 with this info.
@JRDM As far as I'm aware there are no plans for a 3XD. Would three Duet 3 expansion 1XD boards not suffice?