@dingo007 Yupp thats resolved now... all motors working
Best posts made by dingo007
RE: Duet II Ethernet steppers not moving
RE: Duet 3 XYZ Optical End Stops configuration
so to update all.... i have a new cable and end stop on the way... and yet what do i find....
the simplest of mistakes by reversing black and white wires by the builder, I chase issues for 2 days.
RE: Duet rejected the HTTP request
Bingo... that worked, have GUI now Thanks
RE: Duet 3 XYZ Optical End Stops configuration
@fcwilt i have the proper omron cables being delivered tomorrow, no idea why they solder these ends.
RE: Duet 3 XYZ Optical End Stops configuration
@dingo007 and this is fixed now, XYZ all home correctly now,
thanks for the config hint
; Endstops
; ****************************************************************************************************
; end stops
; -- X,Y,Z,etc = location of endstop (0 = none, 1 = low end, 2 = high end)
; -- S = type (1 = switch, 2 = probe, 3 = motor stall (one), 4 = motor stall (multiple)
; -- ! = invert ^ = enable pull-up
; ****************************************************************************************************M574 X1 S1 P"!io0.in"
M574 Y1 S1 P"!io1.in"
M574 Z1 S2 P"io7.in"; Z-Probe
M950 S0 C"io7.out" ; create servo pin 0 for BLTouch
M558 P9 C"io7.in" H5 F120 T6000 ; set Z probe type to bltouch and the dive height + speeds
G31 P500 X0 Y0 Z2.5 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
M557 X15:215 Y15:195 S20 ; define mesh grid