@dc42 Really! You were right. I checked my old config.g backup.
The current value of the rod length was 350.55,H380,00 but the original value in the backup was 340.55. H384,56
After the test print, the size of the circle is OK.
I don't understand why this value changed.
But the problem seems to be solved. Thank you
Posts made by DeltaDuet
RE: Wrong circle size - Delta 0.85 Duet
Wrong circle size - Delta 0.85 Duet
My Delta with .85 Duet prints the wrong circle size. It is OK for other dimensions such as high width. Benchy, XYZ cube - the dimensions are accurate. But if I print a circle, the real print is smaller than in Slicer. For example, 86 mm slicer diameter - 83 mm print diameter. The deviation changes with the size of the print. Can you help me where the error could be? (Sorry I'm using a translator)I using 6mm nozzle - is it possible that there is a problem in setting the width of the lines/wiping of the nozzle?
I am attaching config.g
; Configuration file for Kossel-NT ; Communication and general M111 S0 ; Debug off M550 PDescart01 ; Machine name and Netbios name (can be anything you like) M551 Preprap ; Machine password (used for FTP) M540 P0xBE:0xEF:0xDE:0xAD:0xFE:0xED ; MAC Address ;*** Adjust the IP address and gateway in the following 2 lines to suit your network M552 P192.168.2.1 ; IP address (0 = use DHCP) M554 P192.168.1.1 ; Gateway M553 P255.255.255.0 ; Netmask M575 P1 B115200 S1 ; Comms parameters for PanelDue M555 P2 ; Set output to look like Marlin G21 ; Work in millimetres G90 ; Send absolute coordinates... M83 ; ...but relative extruder moves ; Axis and motor configuration M569 P0 S1 ; Drive 0 goes backwards M569 P1 S1 ; Drive 1 goes backwards M569 P2 S1 ; Drive 2 goes backwards M569 P3 S1 ; Drive 3 goes forwards M569 P4 S0 ; Drive 4 goes forwards M574 X2 Y2 Z2 S0 ; set endstop configuration (all endstops at high end, active high) ;*** The homed height is deliberately set too high in the following - you will adjust it during calibration M665 R180.14 L340.55 B140 H379.35 X0.04 Y-0.44 Z0.00 ; set delta radius, diagonal rod length, printable radius and homed height ; nastavenie hodnoty H je celkova vyska tlaciarne - meni sa podla vysky podlozky. povodna hodnota s PEI bola 384.56, cisty AL 382.10 , AL s PEI vyvysene 379.50 , Ok funkcia - 379.35 M666 X-1.33 Y1.37 Z-0.04 ; put your endstop adjustments here, or let auto calibration find them M92 X200 Y200 Z200 ; Set axis steps/mm M906 X1600 Y1600 Z1600 E900 ; Set motor currents (mA) M201 X3000 Y3000 Z3000 E900 ; Accelerations (mm/s^2) M203 X18000 Y18000 Z18000 E6000 ; Maximum speeds (mm/min) M566 X1000 Y1000 Z1000 E800 ; Maximum instant speed changes mm/minute ; Thermistors ;*** If you have a Duet board stickered "4.7K", change R1000 to R4700 to the following M305 commands M305 P0 T100000 B4967 R4700 H5 L0 ; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the bed thermistor ADC correction M305 P1 T100000 B4267 R4700 H-52 L12 ; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the first nozzle thermistor ADC correction M301 H1 P30 I0.05 D0.1 T0.5 S1 W255 B30 ; Hotend PID M301 H0 P40 I0.05 D0.1 T2.2 S1 W255 B30 ; Heatbed PID M570 S180 ; Hot end may be a little slow to heat up so allow it 180 seconds ; Tool definitions M563 P0 D0 H1 ; Define tool 0 G10 P0 S0 R0 ; Set tool 0 operating and standby temperatures M92 E485 ; Set extruder steps per mm - povodna hodnota bola 485. M572 D0 S0.06 ; pressure advance ; Z probe and compensation definition ;*** If you have an IR zprobe instead of a switch, change P4 to P1 in the following M558 command M558 P1 X0 Y0 Z0 H2 ; Z probe is a switch and is not used for homing any axes ;G31 X0 Y0 Z0.01 P500 ; Set the zprobe height and threshold (put your own values here - positiv=raise nozzle, negativ=lower nozzle) ;G31 X0 Y0 Z1.58 P500 ;PEI, 80°, 265° ;G31 X0 Y0 Z1.16 P500 ;PEI, 60°, 225° ;G31 X0 Y0 Z1.2 P500 ;Glas 90°, 265° ;G31 X0 Y0 Z1.45 P500 ;moje PEI ;G31 X0 Y0 Z0.00 P500 ;60/215 ;G31 X0 Y0 Z0.071 P500 ;G31 X0 Y0 Z1.755 P500 G31 X0 Y0 Z1.405 P500 ;*** If you are using axis compensation, put the figures in the following command M556 S78 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Axis compensation here M208 S1 Z-0.1 ; set minimum Z ; T0 ; select first hot end M106 P0 S0 ;layerfan off M140 S0 ;Bed Temp to 0 M501
and also the g.code of the circle. Slicer - diameter 86mm - real diameter - 84 mm . Inside diameter 71mm - real inside diameter68mm
;FLAVOR:RepRap ;TIME:1360 ;Filament used: 4.42833m ;Layer height: 0.3 ;MINX:-46.232 ;MINY:-46.24 ;MINZ:0.3 ;MAXX:46.232 ;MAXY:46.24 ;MAXZ:12 ;TARGET_MACHINE.NAME:Delta Go ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 5.9.0 T0 M190 S60 M104 S185 M109 S185 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode G28 ;Home G1 Z15.0 F6000 ;Move the platform down 15mm ;Prime the extruder G92 E0 G1 F200 E3 G92 E0 M83 ;relative extrusion mode G1 F3000 E-7 ;LAYER_COUNT:40 ;LAYER:0 M107 G1 F600 Z0.5 G0 F3600 X4.29 Y46.044 Z0.5 ;TYPE:SKIRT G1 F600 Z0.3 G1 F3000 E7 G1 F2700 X2.828 Y46.156 E0.09144 G1 X1.673 Y46.209 E0.0721 G1 X-.135 Y46.24 E0.11277 G1 X2.553 Y40.72 E0.10671 G0 F7200 X2.254 Y40.731 ;TIME_ELAPSED:1360.267529 G1 F3000 E-7 M140 S0 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode M107 M104 S0 M140 S0 ;Retract the filament G92 E1 G1 E-1 F300 G28 X0 Y0 M84 M83 ;relative extrusion mode M104 S0 ;End of Gcode ;SETTING_3 {"global_quality": "[general]\\nversion = 4\\nname = PET-G 0,6\\ndefi ;SETTING_3 nition = delta_go\\n\\n[metadata]\\ntype = quality_changes\\nquality_ ;SETTING_3 type = draft\\nsetting_version = 24\\n\\n[values]\\nadhesion_type = s ;SETTING_3 kirt\\nlayer_height = 0.3\\nsmooth_spiralized_contours = False\\nsupp ;SETTING_3 ort_enable = False\\nsupport_structure = tree\\nsupport_type = buildp ;SETTING_3 late\\n\\n", "extruder_quality": ["[general]\\nversion = 4\\nname = P ;SETTING_3 ET-G 0,6\\ndefinition = delta_go\\n\\n[metadata]\\ntype = quality_cha ;SETTING_3 nges\\nquality_type = draft\\nintent_category = default\\nposition = ;SETTING_3 0\\nsetting_version = 24\\n\\n[values]\\nbrim_width = 3\\ncool_fan_sp ;SETTING_3 eed = 80.0\\ncool_min_layer_time = 0\\ninfill_sparse_density = 25\\nl ;SETTING_3 ine_width = 0.5\\nmaterial_print_temperature = 185\\nretraction_amoun ;SETTING_3 t = 7\\nretraction_speed = 50\\nspeed_print = 90.0\\nsupport_interfac ;SETTING_3 e_enable = True\\ntop_layers = 5\\nwall_line_count = 2\\nwall_thickne ;SETTING_3 ss = 0.5\\nz_seam_corner = z_seam_corner_weighted\\n\\n"]}
RE: Speed print Delta Duet
@Phaedrux Yes, the minimum layer time was set to 5s. then i changed it. And Cura shows a printing time of 27 minutes, but in reality I always print in 36 minutes.
please - is there something wrong with the acceleration and speed settings of the motors?
engines are - 42BYGHM810.But I don't want to push it to the extreme. Time at 100mm/s in the Cura settings is enough for me.
But I wanted to find out where the limit of speed / quality is.;FLAVOR:RepRap ;TIME:1789 ;Filament used: 3.38523m ;Layer height: 0.2 ;MINX:-30.897 ;MINY:-15.311 ;MINZ:0.3 ;MAXX:29.783 ;MAXY:15.308 ;MAXZ:47.9 ;TARGET_MACHINE.NAME:Delta Go ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 5.5.0 T0 M190 S60 M104 S200 M109 S200 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode G28 ;Home G1 Z15.0 F6000 ;Move the platform down 15mm ;Prime the extruder G92 E0 G1 F200 E3 G92 E0 M83 ;relative extrusion mode G1 F30000 E-4.1 ;LAYER_COUNT:239 ;LAYER:0 M107 G1 F600 Z0.5 G0 F3600 X0.103 Y-13.136 Z0.5 ;TYPE:SKIRT G1 F600 Z0.3 G1 F30000 E4.1 G1 F6000 X0.78 Y-13.117 E0.03379 G1 X1.916 Y-13.052 E0.05677 G1 X2.921 Y-12.93 E0.05051 G1 X3.694 Y-12.803 E0.03908 G1 X4.535 Y-12.627 E0.04287 G1 X5.294 Y-12.43 E0.03912 G1 X6.069 Y-12.206 E0.04025 G1 X7.02 Y-11.883 E0.05011 G1 X7.721 Y-11.608 E0.03757 G1 X8.447 Y-11.287 E0.0396 G1 X9.136 Y-10.956 E0.03814 G1 X10.403 Y-10.239 E0.07263 G1 X11.115 Y-9.793 E0.04192 G1 X12.213 Y-9.002 E0.06751 G1 X13.306 Y-8.11 E0.07038 G1 X14.092 Y-7.366 E0.054 G1 X14.634 Y-6.803 E0.03899 G1 X15.37 Y-5.971 E0.05542 G1 X16.032 Y-5.129 E0.05344 G1 X16.536 Y-4.424 E0.04324 G1 X17.002 Y-3.714 E0.04237 G1 X17.693 Y-2.56 E0.06711 G1 X18.161 Y-.83 E0.08941 G1 X18.16 Y0.855 E0.08407 G1 X17.732 Y2.381 E0.07907 G1 X17.179 Y3.437 E0.05947 G1 X16.33 Y4.733 E0.0773 G1 X15.501 Y5.816 E0.06804 G1 X14.643 Y6.808 E0.06543 G1 X13.641 Y7.797 E0.07024 G1 X13.01 Y8.359 E0.04216 G1 X12.191 Y9.024 E0.05263 G1 X11.419 Y9.586 E0.04764 G1 X10.603 Y10.12 E0.04865 G1 X9.485 Y10.766 E0.06442 G1 X8.679 Y11.176 E0.04512 G1 X7.725 Y11.602 E0.05212 G1 X6.78 Y11.969 E0.05058 G1 X5.521 Y12.369 E0.06591 G1 X4.837 Y12.552 E0.03533 G1 X4.052 Y12.73 E0.04016 G1 X3.355 Y12.863 E0.0354 G1 X2.527 Y12.987 E0.04177 G1 X0.992 Y13.12 E0.07687 G1 X-.133 Y13.139 E0.05613 G1 X-1.973 Y13.046 E0.09192 G1 X-25.413 Y11.614 E1.17161 G1 X-27.026 Y11.071 E0.08491 G1 X-28.38 Y10.241 E0.07923 G1 X-29.57 Y9.037 E0.08446 G1 X-30.464 Y7.429 E0.09179 G1 X-30.897 Y5.592 E0.09416 G1 X-30.859 Y-5.49 E0.55289 G1 X-30.696 Y-6.725 E0.06215 G1 X-29.987 Y-8.414 E0.09139 G1 X-28.947 Y-9.74 E0.08407 G1 X-27.635 Y-10.708 E0.08134 G1 X-26.777 Y-11.176 E0.04876 G1 X-25.294 Y-11.619 E0.07722 G1 X-.632 Y-13.123 E1.23268 G1 X0.103 Y-13.136 E0.03668 G0 F3600 X0.092 Y-12.736 G1 F6000 X0.757 Y-12.718 E0.03319 G1 X1.868 Y-12.655 E0.05552 G1 X2.856 Y-12.535 E0.04965 G1 X3.612 Y-12.411 E0.03822 G1 X4.453 Y-12.235 E0.04287 G1 X5.183 Y-12.046 E0.03762 G1 X5.94 Y-11.827 E0.03932 G1 X6.874 Y-11.51 E0.04921 G1 X7.559 Y-11.242 E0.0367 G1 X8.274 Y-10.926 E0.039 G1 X8.963 Y-10.595 E0.03814 G1 X10.191 Y-9.9 E0.0704 G1 X10.881 Y-9.468 E0.04061 G1 X11.979 Y-8.677 E0.06751 G1 X13.031 Y-7.819 E0.06773 G1 X13.804 Y-7.088 E0.05308 G1 X14.334 Y-6.538 E0.03811 G1 X15.07 Y-5.706 E0.05542 G1 X15.707 Y-4.896 E0.05141 G1 X16.202 Y-4.204 E0.04245 G1 X16.659 Y-3.508 E0.04154 G1 X17.322 Y-2.401 E0.06438 G1 X17.761 Y-.778 E0.08388 G1 X17.76 Y0.8 E0.07873 G1 X17.359 Y2.231 E0.07414 G1 X16.844 Y3.218 E0.05554 G1 X15.995 Y4.514 E0.0773 G1 X15.198 Y5.554 E0.06537 G1 X14.34 Y6.546 E0.06543 G1 X13.375 Y7.498 E0.06763 G1 X12.758 Y8.048 E0.04124 G1 X11.939 Y8.713 E0.05263 G1 X11.2 Y9.251 E0.0456 G1 X10.384 Y9.785 E0.04865 G1 X9.304 Y10.409 E0.06223 G1 X8.498 Y10.819 E0.04512 G1 X7.58 Y11.229 E0.05016 G1 X6.635 Y11.596 E0.05058 G1 X5.417 Y11.983 E0.06376 G1 X4.749 Y12.162 E0.0345 G1 X3.977 Y12.337 E0.03949 G1 X3.295 Y12.467 E0.03464 G1 X2.492 Y12.588 E0.04051 G1 X0.957 Y12.721 E0.07687 G1 X-.14 Y12.739 E0.05474 G1 X-1.949 Y12.647 E0.09037 G1 X-25.335 Y11.218 E1.16891 G1 X-26.856 Y10.706 E0.08007 G1 X-28.129 Y9.926 E0.07448 G1 X-29.247 Y8.794 E0.07938 G1 X-30.088 Y7.282 E0.08632 G1 X-30.497 Y5.547 E0.08893 G1 X-30.462 Y-5.438 E0.54805 G1 X-30.306 Y-6.62 E0.05948 G1 X-29.639 Y-8.209 E0.08598 G1 X-28.664 Y-9.452 E0.07882 G1 X-27.443 Y-10.357 E0.07582 G1 X-26.62 Y-10.806 E0.04677 G1 X-25.224 Y-11.223 E0.07269 G1 X-.625 Y-12.723 E1.22953 G1 X0.092 Y-12.736 E0.03578 G0 F3600 X0.082 Y-12.336 G1 F6000 X0.735 Y-12.319 E0.03259 G1 X1.82 Y-12.258 E0.05422 G1 X2.791 Y-12.14 E0.0488 G1 X3.53 Y-12.019 E0.03736 G1 X4.371 Y-11.843 E0.04287 G1 X5.072 Y-11.662 E0.03612 G1 X5.812 Y-11.448 E0.03843 G1 X6.728 Y-11.138 E0.04825 G1 X7.397 Y-10.876 E0.03584 G1 X8.101 Y-10.565 E0.0384 G1 X8.79 Y-10.234 E0.03814 G1 X9.979 Y-9.561 E0.06816 G1 X10.669 Y-9.129 E0.04061 G1 X11.726 Y-8.367 E0.06501 G1 X12.778 Y-7.509 E0.06773 G1 X13.516 Y-6.81 E0.05071 G1 X14.034 Y-6.273 E0.03722 G1 X14.77 Y-5.441 E0.05542 G1 X15.382 Y-4.663 E0.04938 G1 X15.868 Y-3.984 E0.04166 G1 X16.316 Y-3.302 E0.04071 G1 X16.951 Y-2.242 E0.06165 G1 X17.361 Y-.726 E0.07835 G1 X17.36 Y0.745 E0.07339 G1 X16.985 Y2.083 E0.06933 G1 X16.509 Y2.999 E0.0515 G1 X15.66 Y4.295 E0.0773 G1 X14.895 Y5.292 E0.0627 G1 X14.037 Y6.284 E0.06543 G1 X13.109 Y7.199 E0.06502 G1 X12.492 Y7.749 E0.04124 G1 X11.703 Y8.39 E0.05072 G1 X10.981 Y8.916 E0.04457 G1 X10.165 Y9.45 E0.04865 G1 X9.123 Y10.052 E0.06004 G1 X8.317 Y10.462 E0.04512 G1 X7.435 Y10.856 E0.04819 G1 X6.49 Y11.223 E0.05058 G1 X5.313 Y11.597 E0.06161 G1 X4.661 Y11.772 E0.03368 G1 X3.902 Y11.944 E0.03883 G1 X3.235 Y12.071 E0.03387 G1 X2.432 Y12.192 E0.04051 G1 X0.95 Y12.321 E0.07422 G1 X-.147 Y12.339 E0.05474 G1 X-1.925 Y12.248 E0.08882 G1 X-25.257 Y10.822 E1.16621 G1 X-26.686 Y10.341 E0.07522 G1 X-27.88 Y9.609 E0.06987 G1 X-28.923 Y8.554 E0.07401 G1 X-29.712 Y7.135 E0.081 G1 X-30.097 Y5.502 E0.0837 G1 X-30.065 Y-5.386 E0.54321 G1 X-29.916 Y-6.515 E0.05681 G1 X-29.291 Y-8.004 E0.08057 G1 X-28.382 Y-9.163 E0.07349 G1 X-27.251 Y-10.006 E0.07038 G1 X-26.463 Y-10.436 E0.04479 G1 X-25.154 Y-10.827 E0.06816 G1 X-.618 Y-12.323 E1.22638 G1 X0.082 Y-12.336 E0.03493 G0 F3600 X0.072 Y-11.936 G1 F6000 X0.713 Y-11.92 E0.03199 G1 X1.772 Y-11.861 E0.05292 G1 X2.726 Y-11.745 E0.04795 G1 X3.448 Y-11.627 E0.0365 G1 X4.289 Y-11.451 E0.04287 G1 X4.961 Y-11.278 E0.03462 G1 X5.684 Y-11.069 E0.03755 G1 X6.582 Y-10.766 E0.04728 G1 X7.235 Y-10.51 E0.03499 G1 X7.928 Y-10.204 E0.03779 G1 X8.617 Y-9.873 E0.03814 G1 X9.767 Y-9.222 E0.06593 G1 X10.457 Y-8.79 E0.04061 G1 X11.473 Y-8.057 E0.0625 G1 X12.503 Y-7.218 E0.06628 G1 X13.228 Y-6.532 E0.0498 G1 X13.734 Y-6.008 E0.03634 G1 X14.47 Y-5.176 E0.05542 G1 X15.057 Y-4.43 E0.04736 G1 X15.534 Y-3.765 E0.04083 G1 X15.973 Y-3.096 E0.03992 G1 X16.58 Y-2.083 E0.05892 G1 X16.961 Y-.674 E0.07282 G1 X16.96 Y0.69 E0.06805 G1 X16.611 Y1.935 E0.06451 G1 X16.174 Y2.78 E0.04746 G1 X15.325 Y4.076 E0.0773 G1 X14.592 Y5.03 E0.06002 G1 X13.734 Y6.022 E0.06543 G1 X12.843 Y6.9 E0.06241 G1 X12.226 Y7.45 E0.04124 G1 X11.467 Y8.067 E0.0488 G1 X10.762 Y8.581 E0.04353 G1 X9.946 Y9.115 E0.04865 G1 X8.942 Y9.695 E0.05785 G1 X8.136 Y10.105 E0.04512 G1 X7.29 Y10.483 E0.04623 G1 X6.345 Y10.85 E0.05058 G1 X5.209 Y11.211 E0.05947 G1 X4.573 Y11.382 E0.03286 G1 X3.827 Y11.551 E0.03816 G1 X3.175 Y11.675 E0.03311 G1 X2.372 Y11.796 E0.04051 G1 X0.943 Y11.921 E0.07157 G1 X-.154 Y11.939 E0.05474 G1 X-1.901 Y11.849 E0.08727 G1 X-25.179 Y10.426 E1.16351 G1 X-26.516 Y9.976 E0.07038 G1 X-27.629 Y9.294 E0.06512 G1 X-28.6 Y8.311 E0.06893 G1 X-29.336 Y6.988 E0.07553 G1 X-29.697 Y5.457 E0.07848 G1 X-29.668 Y-5.334 E0.53837 G1 X-29.526 Y-6.41 E0.05415 G1 X-28.943 Y-7.799 E0.07515 G1 X-28.099 Y-8.875 E0.06823 G1 X-27.059 Y-9.655 E0.06486 G1 X-26.306 Y-10.066 E0.0428 G1 X-25.084 Y-10.431 E0.06363 G1 X-.61 Y-11.923 E1.22328 G1 X0.072 Y-11.936 E0.03403 G0 F3600 X0.062 Y-11.536 G1 F6000 X0.691 Y-11.521 E0.03139 G1 X1.724 Y-11.464 E0.05161 G1 X2.662 Y-11.35 E0.04714 G1 X3.366 Y-11.235 E0.03559 G1 X4.207 Y-11.059 E0.04287 G1 X4.85 Y-10.894 E0.03312 G1 X5.556 Y-10.69 E0.03666 G1 X6.436 Y-10.393 E0.04634 G1 X7.073 Y-10.144 E0.03412 G1 X7.755 Y-9.843 E0.03719 G1 X8.444 Y-9.512 E0.03814 G1 X9.555 Y-8.883 E0.06369 G1 X10.245 Y-8.451 E0.04061 G1 X11.221 Y-7.747 E0.06004 G1 X12.228 Y-6.928 E0.06476 G1 X12.94 Y-6.254 E0.04891 G1 X13.434 Y-5.743 E0.03546 G1 X14.17 Y-4.911 E0.05542 G1 X14.732 Y-4.197 E0.04533 G1 X15.2 Y-3.545 E0.04004 G1 X15.63 Y-2.89 E0.03909 G1 X16.209 Y-1.924 E0.05619 G1 X16.561 Y-.622 E0.06729 G1 X16.56 Y0.635 E0.06271 G1 X16.238 Y1.786 E0.05963 G1 X15.839 Y2.561 E0.04349 G1 X14.99 Y3.857 E0.0773 G1 X14.289 Y4.769 E0.05739 G1 X13.453 Y5.737 E0.06381 G1 X12.562 Y6.615 E0.06241 G1 X11.974 Y7.14 E0.03933 G1 X11.231 Y7.744 E0.04777 G1 X10.543 Y8.246 E0.04249 G1 X9.727 Y8.78 E0.04865 G1 X8.761 Y9.338 E0.05566 G1 X7.955 Y9.748 E0.04512 G1 X7.145 Y10.11 E0.04426 G1 X6.2 Y10.477 E0.05058 G1 X5.105 Y10.825 E0.05732 G1 X4.485 Y10.992 E0.03203 G1 X3.752 Y11.158 E0.0375 G1 X3.115 Y11.279 E0.03235 G1 X2.312 Y11.4 E0.04051 G1 X0.936 Y11.521 E0.06891 G1 X-.161 Y11.539 E0.05474 G1 X-1.877 Y11.45 E0.08573 G1 X-25.101 Y10.03 E1.16081 G1 X-26.346 Y9.611 E0.06554 G1 X-27.38 Y8.977 E0.06051 G1 X-28.276 Y8.071 E0.06357 G1 X-28.96 Y6.841 E0.07022 G1 X-29.297 Y5.412 E0.07325 G1 X-29.271 Y-5.282 E0.53353 G1 X-29.136 Y-6.305 E0.05148 G1 X-28.595 Y-7.594 E0.06974 G1 X-27.815 Y-8.588 E0.06304 G1 X-26.867 Y-9.304 E0.05927 G1 X-26.149 Y-9.696 E0.04081 G1 X-25.014 Y-10.035 E0.0591 G1 X-.602 Y-11.523 E1.22018 G1 X0.062 Y-11.536 E0.03313 G0 F3600 X0.053 Y-11.136 G1 F6000 X0.669 Y-11.122 E0.03074 G1 X1.676 Y-11.067 E0.05031 G1 X2.598 Y-10.955 E0.04634 G1 X3.302 Y-10.84 E0.03559 G1 X4.108 Y-10.671 E0.04109 G1 X4.739 Y-10.51 E0.03249 G1 X5.428 Y-10.311 E0.03578 G1 X6.29 Y-10.02 E0.04539 G1 X6.927 Y-9.771 E0.03412 G1 X7.582 Y-9.482 E0.03572 G1 X8.271 Y-9.151 E0.03814 G1 X9.343 Y-8.544 E0.06146 G1 X10.033 Y-8.112 E0.04061 G1 X10.969 Y-7.437 E0.05757 G1 X11.953 Y-6.637 E0.06327 G1 X12.652 Y-5.976 E0.048 G1 X13.146 Y-5.465 E0.03546 G1 X13.856 Y-4.663 E0.05344 G1 X14.407 Y-3.964 E0.04441 G1 X14.866 Y-3.325 E0.03925 G1 X15.287 Y-2.684 E0.03826 G1 X15.838 Y-1.765 E0.05346 G1 X16.161 Y-.57 E0.06176 G1 X16.16 Y0.58 E0.05737 G1 X15.864 Y1.637 E0.05476 G1 X15.483 Y2.378 E0.04157 G1 X14.673 Y3.613 E0.07368 G1 X13.986 Y4.508 E0.05629 G1 X13.172 Y5.452 E0.06219 G1 X12.281 Y6.33 E0.06241 G1 X11.721 Y6.83 E0.03745 G1 X10.995 Y7.421 E0.0467 G1 X10.324 Y7.911 E0.04145 G1 X9.508 Y8.445 E0.04865 G1 X8.58 Y8.981 E0.05347 G1 X7.774 Y9.391 E0.04512 G1 X7 Y9.737 E0.0423 G1 X6.055 Y10.104 E0.05058 G1 X5.001 Y10.439 E0.05518 G1 X4.397 Y10.602 E0.03121 G1 X3.677 Y10.765 E0.03683 G1 X3.055 Y10.883 E0.03159 G1 X2.252 Y11.004 E0.04051 G1 X0.929 Y11.121 E0.06626 G1 X-.168 Y11.139 E0.05474 G1 X-1.853 Y11.051 E0.08418 G1 X-25.023 Y9.634 E1.15812 G1 X-26.176 Y9.246 E0.06069 G1 X-27.129 Y8.662 E0.05576 G1 X-27.953 Y7.828 E0.05849 G1 X-28.584 Y6.694 E0.06474 G1 X-28.897 Y5.367 E0.06802 G1 X-28.874 Y-5.23 E0.52869 G1 X-28.746 Y-6.2 E0.04881 G1 X-28.247 Y-7.389 E0.06433 G1 X-27.531 Y-8.302 E0.05789 G1 X-26.675 Y-8.953 E0.05365 G1 X-25.992 Y-9.326 E0.03883 G1 X-24.944 Y-9.639 E0.05457 G1 X-.594 Y-11.123 E1.21708 G1 X0.053 Y-11.136 E0.03229 G0 F3600 X0.044 Y-10.736 G1 F6000 X0.647 Y-10.723 E0.03009 G1 X1.628 Y-10.67 E0.04901 G1 X2.534 Y-10.56 E0.04553 G1 X3.238 Y-10.445 E0.03559 G1 X4.01 Y-10.283 E0.03935 G1 X4.628 Y-10.126 E0.03181 G1 X5.3 Y-9.932 E0.0349 G1 X6.144 Y-9.647 E0.04444 G1 X6.781 Y-9.398 E0.03412 G1 X7.409 Y-9.121 E0.03424 G1 X8.098 Y-8.79 E0.03814 G1 X9.131 Y-8.205 E0.05923 G1 X9.799 Y-7.787 E0.03931 G1 X10.717 Y-7.126 E0.05644 G1 X11.678 Y-6.346 E0.06175 G1 X12.377 Y-5.685 E0.048 G1 X12.847 Y-5.2 E0.03369 G1 X13.542 Y-4.416 E0.05227 G1 X14.082 Y-3.73 E0.04356 G1 X14.532 Y-3.105 E0.03842 G1 X14.944 Y-2.478 E0.03743 G1 X15.467 Y-1.606 E0.05073 G1 X15.761 Y-.518 E0.05623 G1 X15.76 Y0.525 E0.05204 G1 X15.49 Y1.488 E0.0499 G1 X15.127 Y2.195 E0.03965 G1 X14.355 Y3.37 E0.07014 G1 X13.683 Y4.247 E0.05512 G1 X12.891 Y5.167 E0.06056 G1 X12 Y6.045 E0.06241 G1 X11.468 Y6.52 E0.03558 G1 X10.759 Y7.098 E0.04564 G1 X10.105 Y7.576 E0.04041 G1 X9.289 Y8.11 E0.04865 G1 X8.399 Y8.624 E0.05128 G1 X7.593 Y9.034 E0.04512 G1 X6.855 Y9.364 E0.04033 G1 X5.91 Y9.731 E0.05058 G1 X4.897 Y10.053 E0.05303 G1 X4.308 Y10.212 E0.03044 G1 X3.603 Y10.372 E0.03607 G1 X2.995 Y10.487 E0.03087 G1 X2.192 Y10.608 E0.04051 G1 X0.922 Y10.721 E0.06361 G1 X-.175 Y10.739 E0.05474 G1 X-1.829 Y10.652 E0.08263 G1 X-24.945 Y9.238 E1.15542 G1 X-26.006 Y8.881 E0.05585 G1 X-26.878 Y8.347 E0.05101 G1 X-27.631 Y7.584 E0.05348 G1 X-28.208 Y6.548 E0.05916 G1 X-28.497 Y5.322 E0.06284 G1 X-28.477 Y-5.178 E0.52385 G1 X-28.356 Y-6.095 E0.04615 G1 X-27.899 Y-7.184 E0.05892 G1 X-27.247 Y-8.015 E0.0527
RE: Speed print Delta Duet
Yes, it is a bowden extruder.
I will try to change the acceleration values.
Well thank you -
RE: Speed print Delta Duet
;FLAVOR:RepRap ;TIME:1818 ;Filament used: 3.33763m ;Layer height: 0.2 ;MINX:-29.8 ;MINY:-15.311 ;MINZ:0.3 ;MAXX:29.783 ;MAXY:15.308 ;MAXZ:47.9 ;TARGET_MACHINE.NAME:Delta Go ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 5.5.0 T0 M190 S60 M104 S180 M109 S180 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode G28 ;Home G1 Z15.0 F6000 ;Move the platform down 15mm ;Prime the extruder G92 E0 G1 F200 E3 G92 E0 M83 ;relative extrusion mode G1 F6000 E-5 ;LAYER_COUNT:239 ;LAYER:0 M106 S76.5 G1 F600 Z0.5 G0 F3600 X0.028 Y-9.936 Z0.5 ;TYPE:SKIRT G1 F600 Z0.3 G1 F6000 E5 G1 X0.605 Y-9.925 E0.02879 G1 X1.532 Y-9.876 E0.04631 -------------------------------------- G0 F7200 X-4.959 Y1.679 ;TIME_ELAPSED:1818.214433 G1 F6000 E-5 M140 S0 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode M107 M104 S0 M140 S0 ;Retract the filament G92 E1 G1 E-1 F300 G28 X0 Y0 M84 M83 ;relative extrusion mode M104 S0 ;End of Gcode ;SETTING_3 {"global_quality": "[general]\\nversion = 4\\nname = Draft #2\\ndefin ;SETTING_3 ition = delta_go\\n\\n[metadata]\\ntype = quality_changes\\nquality_t ;SETTING_3 ype = draft\\nsetting_version = 22\\n\\n[values]\\nacceleration_enabl ;SETTING_3 ed = False\\nsupport_enable = False\\nsupport_structure = normal\\nsu ;SETTING_3 pport_type = everywhere\\n\\n", "extruder_quality": ["[general]\\nver ;SETTING_3 sion = 4\\nname = Draft #2\\ndefinition = delta_go\\n\\n[metadata]\\n ;SETTING_3 type = quality_changes\\nquality_type = draft\\nsetting_version = 22\ ;SETTING_3 \nposition = 0\\n\\n[values]\\nbrim_line_count = 5\\nbrim_width = 3\\ ;SETTING_3 ncool_fan_speed = 90.0\\ncool_fan_speed_0 = 30\\ncool_min_layer_time ;SETTING_3 = 1.0\\nmaterial_final_print_temperature = 180\\nmaterial_initial_pri ;SETTING_3 nt_temperature = 180\\nmaterial_print_temperature = 180\\nretraction_ ;SETTING_3 amount = 5.0\\nretraction_speed = 100\\nspeed_print = 200.0\\nsupport ;SETTING_3 _infill_rate = 10\\nsupport_interface_enable = True\\nsupport_pattern ;SETTING_3 = grid\\nsupport_roof_enable = False\\nwall_line_count = 2\\nwall_th ;SETTING_3 ickness = 0.5\\nz_seam_corner = z_seam_corner_any\\n\\n"]}
RE: Speed print Delta Duet
@o_lampe I don't think that 0.85 wouldn't handle a 0.9 stepper. Sam D.C used them when building with this board. The whole printer cost me €200, upgrading to a newer duet makes no sense. it is my first 3D printer to learn and understand. If I'm going to upgrade, it will be a total rebuild or a completely different type.
I'll take a closer look at the Cura settings. or what other slicer would you recommend?
RE: Speed print Delta Duet
My configM92 X200 Y200 Z200 ; Set axis steps/mm
M906 X1600 Y1600 Z1600 E900 ; Set motor currents (mA)
M201 X3000 Y3000 Z3000 E900 ; Accelerations (mm/s^2)
M203 X18000 Y18000 Z18000 E6000 ; Maximum speeds (mm/min)
M566 X1000 Y1000 Z1000 E800 ; Maximum instant speed changes mm/minuteAnd Cura start gcode
G28 ;Home
G1 Z15.0 F6000 ;Move the platform down 15mm
;Prime the extruder
G92 E0
G1 F200 E3
G92 E0Are my configurations OK?
but the problem will probably be set in Cura. As Cura is not linked to config.g. Cura does not generate faster "benches" for me than 34 min. slower than 100 mm/s yes, but even faster than 200 - 250 mm/s it does not generate.
But I don't know why. because I don't have a printer profile set. And when I try to set the profile to, for example, FLsun 400, what is the fast delta. even with it, it does not generate faster benches than 34 min. -
Speed print Delta Duet
Hello. I have the Delta Duet, a copy of the David C. version.
Duet 0.85, 0.9 stepper, V6ED, Traxx, frame 2020, extruder 36pa5.18g, etc.
Can you advise me how to achieve faster printing?
I print in Cura at a speed of 100mm/s (walls 50mm, displacements 120mm) - Benchy in 36min at 0.4mm. the quality is good.
but I would like to try faster printing.
Any change, for example - 200mm/s, will only change the time to 34min at Benchy. Is there something slowing me down or is it Cura Slicer and its settings? (Sorry translator helps me) -
Delta Duet 0.85 quality print.
Hello. I have a Delta type printer 280mm x 360mm for Duet 0.85.
it is well built with the use of quality components. I didn't build it. I bought it from the first owner. It is completely metal, carbon arms, e3D hotend, linear guides, bondtech planet gear extruder, nema 0.9step motors, leveling using an optical probe, touch color LCD for reprap. As for the components, they are of good quality for its year of manufacture. Delta now about 7 years old. The construction of the new one cost about €900.
I bought it as my first printer for learning, I liked the build quality. used cost me 200€. I am satisfied, I print at a speed of 100mm/s (edge 50mm/s) in Cura. I can print 3D benches in about 36 minutes. Calibrax cube XY in 11 min. T-rex cup - 6 hoursMy question is - is the print quality sufficient?
I understand that time has moved on, there are new printers, new techniques. but my opinion is that it could print better. I lubricated everything I could, disassembled and cleaned the linear carriages, replaced the nozzle, updated, tightened all the screws, added grease to the extruder gearbox, tightened the belts - basic service.
but it always happens that the Z axis deviates. On one pole I discovered a small ox in a ball. Do you think the print quality is sufficient for my parameters?
sorry, a translator will help me.