I've had to tweak my sensor configuration mid-print to ensure it doesn't pause incorrectly during printing, I haven't yet confirmed it's working as expected or at a good tolerance level as unfortunately by hot-end fan stopped again mid-print; I once again need to dismantle as heat has crept up and created a blockage.
On the plus side, the filament sensor did pause the print when the filament blockage occurred, which is great, unfortunately, this doesn't cut the power to the heater and I can't see any way to configure this.
I'm happy to start a new thread with the other issues unless @dc42 you are able to help me here:
[Q] I have a smart effector and while I've managed to print for several hours at one time (and get very good parts out of it) the hot end fan randomly stops and I need to manually spin the fins to get it going again. How can I work out what's happening here? I'm not sure it's ever been correct, the first print I made with the smart effector was perfect, the second was the first one where the hot end fan failed, and this has now happened 3 times and I've already replaced the hot-end fan with parts direct from E3D.
[Q] Is it possible to adjust the behaviour of the pause from the filament sensor without code modification? if I can get it to turn off the tools, this may be better for me while it currently has issues with the hot-end fan.
As always, thanks in advance for any assistance!