I replaced the WiFi module with a new ESP-12S and all is well. Thanks for the help!

Latest posts made by crc1337
RE: WiFi issues after erase
RE: WiFi issues after erase
My M552 command is commented out, and no response to M552 commands. I am looking at ordering an ESP-12F from Digikey and swapping the module. If I have some time this weekend I may try probing the serial pins of the module just out of curiosity to see if anything else is revealed.
RE: WiFi issues after erase
The messages from the firmware update process indicate that the upload was successful, and the file size of DuetWiFi.bin in the sys folder on the SD card is exactly 277,520 bytes.
Trying to connect at 230400 baud:
Erasing 4096 bytes...
Erasing 212992 bytes...
Uploading file...
5% complete
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Upload successful -
RE: WiFi issues after erase
I suspected that as well, but I've reflashed the wifi firmware multiple times, following the post you referenced and being sure to copy the right version of DuetWiFiServer.bin into the /sys folder on the SD card.
I am using the main and wifi firmwares from the 2.03 release on GitHub, I believe I also tried main firmware 2.02 and wifi firmware 1.23 (this is what I was running prior to the erase) but I'll give that a try again later today to be sure.
WiFi issues after erase
I'm having trouble with WiFi after the Erase button got pressed accidentally. I have reflashed the main and wifi firmwares (various versions including latest) but it seems the WiFi module just won't come up.
M552 is removed from my config.g (for testing purposes).
M552 S0 does not return any response even after several minutes.
M587 gives "Failed to add SSID to remembered list". M588 also fails to remove/factory reset.
M122 always seems to report "WiFi module is disabled" no matter what, even in the "Network state is starting" state.
M997 appears to have no problem flashing, and my firmware files appear to be complete.
Could I dealing with a bad wifi module? Is there anything else I should try before I start down the path of attempting to replace the module (assuming that is possible)?
RE: L1 released the magic smoke
Thanks, I got the new effector reinstalled last night after repairing the trace, and confirmed it's working fabulously!
L1 released the magic smoke
I've done something boneheaded when wiring my Smart effector and inadvertently connected the ground pin of the input 2 (z-probe) connector to the negative side of my hotend wiring instead of actual ground. This had the unfortunate effect of backfeeding 10.8 volts through the heater and into the effector, causing L1 to rapidly release it's smoke once power was applied.
Miraculously, it seems perhaps the rest of the circuitry has escaped unharmed. Everything visually appears ok, and I was able to carefully supply a proper 3.3v and gnd from my bench supply and get the green light to flash with some light pressure/tapping on the board.
I'm not quite sure of the purpose of L1 (other than being a crappy fuse in my case), I'm hoping someone can tell me if it's particularly critical to proper operation (in that case a value or part # would be excellent), or if it can be safely bypassed (I have plenty of smd jumpers and resistors of various sizes and values, but no inductors onhand), also the L1 pads are gone so I'll have to do some surgery to properly replace it.
RE: Pressure advance slowing prints
Thanks for the tips. That's a great idea of adjusting the parameters every 10 layers, I will give that a try. I am running the same accel and jerk settings on the other axes but have not spent any time tuning these and have been happy with the performance until I tried to use pressure advance.
Pressure advance slowing prints
I recently started experimenting with pressure advance, and I'm having issues with the print movement slowing significantly on certain features (particularly noticeable on certain arc movements). I understand that having extruder jerk set too low could cause this, but I've experimented with values ranging from 1200 to 4800 and haven't seen any noticeable change in movement speed.
I'm running a geared extruder (Titan) and haven't really been able to find any information on tuning extruder jerk and acceleration so I'm not entirely sure what'd be considered reasonable or safe, but I've been using values of 1000 for accel and 1200 for jerk for quite awhile without any issues.
I'm running a delta with a fairly long bowden and pressure advance seems like something that would be advantageous to have, if I can figure out how to get it dialed in without slowing down movement too much. However at this point I'm not really sure where to look. Any suggestions would be welcome. I'm on firmware version 1.18.
RE: Dead Duet Wifi
cchaffee, ignore my previous comment, Tim is all over this.
Great, thanks guys. I will stand by and await further instructions.