@CoolM8 Most likely the bed MOSFET has failed on the Duet (2) WiFi. If there's no replaceable fuse, it just means that it's an older board version, before v1.04 (the board has a version number on it). Post a picture of that part of the Duet, it may be obvious if the MOSFET has failed. See https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Troubleshooting/Parts#heater-mosfets for replacement, if possible.
Otherwise, you may be able to drive the headed bed using a Solid State Relay from spare output pin. Depending on the switching voltage of the SSR, you could use a spare hot end heater output, fan output, or an output on the expansion header (these are 3.3V), as the bed heater output isn't working. See https://docs.duet3d.com/User_manual/Connecting_hardware/Heaters_bed#bed-heater-driven-using-a-solid-state-relay