@t3p3tony Yes right, that's the one I was referring to, thank you for your answer.
My main goal is basically:
My main coordinate system (G53) is in the middle of the kinematic coupling of the bed. Therefore I set ''offset'' values of the X- and Y-Endstop accordingly:
For the X-Endstop position approx:
For the Y-Endstop position approx:
I would assume that the Z-Direction isn't relevant in this stage (because of the Z-Endstop of the toolhead)
For the Probing of the bed I want to ''activate'' the 2nd coordinate system with the Z-Probe offsets activated and set the offset of the probe relative to the main coordinate system (G53)
My normal use case should look like this:
Homing of the XY-Axis -> Sets the origin of the machine (XY-values)
Homing of the Z-Axis -> Sets the origin of the machine (z-value)
-> G53 main coordinate system is set
True bed leveling (G32):
Activate Z-Probe offset -> As you wrote set by G31 X Y Z (X and Y according to my drawing, and Z zero because same value as used for inital homing)
Execution of bed leveling sequence
Execution of correction (independent z motors are correction the tilt)
Re-activating the Z-Probe offset
Picking up tools:
G53 X Y position of tooldock (for example tooldock 1) -> Tpre and Tpost definition
G53 X Y picking up tool
Tool picked up -> Tooloffset gets activated (in this example of Tool 1) -> Defined by configuration G10 T1 XY-Values relative to G53 and so on
Do I understand this right?