@Notepad Well, I have now changed the SSR, but I am still getting some fluctuation, but at least some are fault free. Here are the results:
M307 H0 R0.863 K0.260:0.000 D5.37 E1.35 S1.00 B0 XXXXXX
M307 H0 R0.875 K0.265:0.000 D5.36 E1.35 S1.00 B0 XXXXXX
M307 H0 R0.874 K0.346:0.000 D5.72 E1.35 S1.00 B0
M307 H0 R0.856 K0.307:0.000 D4.85 E1.35 S1.00 B0
M307 H0 R0.852 K0.301:0.000 D5.32 E1.35 S1.00 B0 XXXXXX
XXXXXX = Warning: heater behaviour was not consistent during tuning
My next step of thinking down this rabbit hole of fluctuation is, where I have used RTV to refix the silicon heater could the layer be too thick or uneven (It’s not easy stuff to work with) causing a slow transition of heat, resulting in a slow reaction that the PID loop is struggling with?
Does anyone know of anywhere in the UK, where I can get a good 330 x 330mm 240v high temp (I print a lot of ABS and the like) silicon heater. At a good price and quick delivery? As even Keenovo has started using a NTC 100K thermistor on there heaters which from what I understand can be a pain to setup and not that great for the higher temps.