@gtj0 Thanks, i re-read again the wiki and its fine for my use.

Posts made by Cata
RE: Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC - initial production run.
RE: Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC - initial production run.
Will there be a variant that does not use a raspberry?
RE: Duet 3 first-generation prototype giveaway
@dc42 said in Duet 3 first-generation prototype giveaway:
this board was designed to be capable of running standalone, without an attached Raspberry Pi
RE: Help me ID this heatbreak?
@3dpmicro said in Help me ID this heatbreak?:
E3d V6 is the same thread size on both sides. M6x1 or 1.25. I don't recall
Yours appears to have 2 different thread diametersHave you ever seen a e3d v6?
RE: PETG Drying
@fma said in PETG Drying:
Some companies are now making real-time filament drying:
- Fyladry (interview here: https://youtu.be/-FvGRm7I1Dc?t=307)
- Thordsen 3D (interview here: https://youtu.be/0cj6dqMgja4?t=1032)
Filadry its a scam, Fake specs and low quality product. Its like an anet dryer.
RE: Internet with Raspberry Pi and Crossover Cable?
Can this be a problem? From the link
""This method works by creating a DHCP server on the Pi's ethernet connection and internally it 'shares' the internet access between eth0 and wlan0. A device connected to the Pi's ethernet will get an IP address from the Pi, not the WiFi, but will still have internet access. "" -
RE: Touch MI probe on Diet WiFi?
Its a simple ir endstop. Only need to setup the deploy going to the X min and the retract going to z0.
RE: Power third party board with duet usb
Why not connect the boad direct to the paneldue port?
RE: New firmware 2.03RC1 available
No phase disconect reports on Duet Maestro. Thanks
RE: Connecting 6-lead unipolar steppers (Full or half coil)?
I always use full coil, never have drawbacks. All the machines i see works with full coil
RE: Warning: motor phase A may be disconnected reported by driver(s)
@dc42 Thanks, i dont run for this but prefer to avoid the warning flood.
I will test again the conbinations when release the new firm. -
RE: Warning: motor phase A may be disconnected reported by driver(s)
@dc42 said in Warning: motor phase A may be disconnected reported by driver(s):
Driver 4 is the E1 motor output. What do you have connected to that output?
Mistiping, both warnings are for driver 2
@dc42 said in Warning: motor phase A may be disconnected reported by driver(s):
When you connected the motors in parallel instead of in series, were you able to use a larger M569 P2 V parameter without the motors becoming too noisy?
No, same noise
RE: Warning: motor phase A may be disconnected reported by driver(s)
@veti from 360 to 180 and now dont see the warning.
Then i cant use motors in series? Whats the point of the warning if my motors works well? -
RE: External driver extension board for Maestro for those interested
Nice expansion. Here another rj45 lover.
RE: Warning: motor phase A may be disconnected reported by driver(s)
@dc42 tested in all 2.03 betas and 2.02 stable.
Motors are low current, no data of the model or manofacturer.
Connected in parallel today, same warning with some "largue movements", 25 - 50 mm in one command.
Cant use another driver, dual extruder is setted -
RE: Warning: motor phase A may be disconnected reported by driver(s)
Same problem here. 2 nema 17 in series, duet maestro, 12v, with all the currents, speeds and firmware versions.
Warning: motor phase A may be disconnected reported by driver(s) 2 going UP
Warning: motor phase B may be disconnected reported by driver(s) 4 going DOWN
Only stops whe using M569 P2 V670 or bigger value. But the motors are too noise to keep that value. -
RE: Filament runout sensor using DC42 IR probe
maybe a little idea, what about to use a ball like te finda and others filament sensor?