In my fork (this link) off of Dave's work for the RepRap firmware, I added two new M commands for in-G-Code arithmetic and mathematical calculations. I also added a general G-Code parsing feature to enable it using the result of the real-time arithmetic calculation:
I took a liberty to use an apparently empty bracket in M command numbers and created these two M commands to the firmware: M930 and M931
M930 performs a maths expression between curly brackets ({}) and saves the results in one on the 10 memory slots called P0 to P9. If memory slots aren’t set, their default value will be 0 (zero)
Example 1:
M930 { 2 * (2+1)} P0
sets P0 to 6. The expression that is between the curly brackets is 2*(2+1) that is 2*(3) = 6. The result is 6 which will be saved in memory slot 0 because of P0 parameter given in the M930 command line
Using X or Y or Z in the expression copies the current position in the expression and uses the position as if it was a number.
Example 2:
Assume X is at 5mm (or whatever unit you are running on)
M930 {2*X} P1
sets P1 to 10. Because X will be interpreted as 5.000 and the result of the expression 2*5.00 equals 10. This result is then saved in P1 memory slot to be used later.
Example 3:
M930 {X} P2 ;
simply sets P2 to current X position 5 (assuming X is at 5, P2 value will be 5.000)
Px (such as P0, P1, … P9) values are accessible to other G or M commands using #Px# format (such as #P0#, #P1#, … #P9#)
Example 4:
G0 X#P0# ;
Remember in Example 1 P0 was set to 6. This line will be translated as G0 X6. That is value of 6 replaced the variable name P0
Example 5:
M930 {(X * #P0#)+2} P0 ;
remember in Example 1 P0 was set to 6, it is now set to be (X*6)+2. For example if X is at 5, P0 would be 32
If Px is not set, it’ll auto initialises to 0
Example 6:
G1 X#P1# Y#P2# F#P8#
Assume before this line of GCode, P1 is set to be 76.23, P2 is 36.17, P8 is 400. The output of this line will be as if it was:
G1 X76.23 Y36.17 F400;
If you need to make any calculation to be passed to any G command you will need to do it before that G command in a separate M930 command line.
Example 7:
M930 {X*2} P1 ; doubles the value of the current position of X axis
G1 X#P1# ; moves X axis to our newly calculated P1. Now the current X position is the changed to be P1
Assume X is at 5. The first M930 line above sets P1 to 10. The second line will be G1 X10. Therefore now the current position of X is 10 (as opposed to be 5). So the next time you do this P1 will be 20 (as opposed to 10)
Similarly you can use this format #Px# (for P0 to P9) in any other G or M commands to pass your calculation results to other commands.
Example 8:
M930 {25} P0 ; #P0# is 25
M930 {100} P0 ; #P0# is now overwritten with 100 without any warning
The second M930 overwrites P0 value to 100, without giving any warning.
M931 saves or loads all variables (P0 to P9) on SD Card in a file named: “arithmetics-memory-slots.g” that can be found under “sys” directory (/folder)
This can be useful to inspect the values, or to load them again for a later use
M931 has a single parameter Pxx. P0 saves variables, P1 loads them from the file
Example 1:
M931 P0 ; this saves all P0 to P9 values into “arithmetics-memory-slots.g”
Example 2:
M931 P1 ; this loads all values back to P0 to P9 when running your G-Code programme
M930 Capabilities
M930 takes advantage of the ExprTk library that has the following capabilities:
Mathematical operators (+, -, *, /, %, ^)
Trigonometry (sin, cos, tan, acos, asin, atan, atan2, cosh, cot, csc, sec, sinh, tanh, d2r, r2d, d2g, g2d, hyp)
Equalities & Inequalities (=, ==, <>, !=, <, <=, >, >=)
Assignment (:=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=)
Logical operators (and, nand, nor, not, or, xor, xnor, mand, mor)
Functions (min, max, avg, sum, abs, ceil, floor, round, roundn, exp, log, log10, logn, pow, root, sqrt, clamp, inrange, swap)
And more …
I hope a few people find this useful for their projects as it is for mine. Please comment if you have any thoughts to improve this.
At this stage I only did this for my own use and obviously cannot be held responsible for whatever damages that could come out of this.
I will be pulling a request for this on GitHub to hopefully be added to an official release. I have a hard time compiling this correctly for RepRap so I hope Dave (or others) come to rescue