@jay_s_uk Thank You! Now I am connected and already load my configuration. In all getting started guides i found the first point to connect via usb. Your answer was greatful
@dc42 the STATUS LED was flashing once a second.
@jay_s_uk Thank You! Now I am connected and already load my configuration. In all getting started guides i found the first point to connect via usb. Your answer was greatful
@dc42 the STATUS LED was flashing once a second.
great i will go this way!
Dear Community,
i have a 6HC and set up a cnc machine. Now i have external switches to control several functions directly with a hot key. So for example to pause or to move.
With the G0/G1 codes i can move a axes about a specific value ... is it possible to stop this movement with another button?
So for example:
I send
G1 X"max. possible movement"
to move the x axes to the endstop or machine maximum. But what i can send to stop the movement?
Another question, with G10 L20 P1 i can set a Workarea, but how can I go to this 0,0,0 position again without moving each axes manually?
So it's working I switched the Endstop of the Y-Axis to Y Positive and inverted the endstops in the configuration.
@nightowl Thank You too!
I had to rename my homeall file because the interface tried to call the workzero file.
But i did not test it, because i am not sure if the endstops are working correctly.
When i send M119 in the idle state i became the following states:
When i press the X Endstop during sendig M119 i become the following states:
I am not sure if it is correct, it seemed to be switched?
@phaedrux Thank you for your Questions.
X: + to riht, - to left
Y: + moves back, - moves forward
Z: + moves down, - moves up
Dear Community, I have a Killer Bee running with a Duet3D MB6HC. I know can move all my motors and so far all is good.
In the Web interface i have at first to reference my axes. after this i can move them only in positive direction ... is this correct? So i have to bring my axes at the beginning to the other side?
And the endstop should be on the side where we do not have our home point?
I am not sure how to start It would be great to get some help.
@jay_s_uk thanks for this great link.
@nightowl after solving some other issues I made my own configuration with RRF and compared it with your config. Now i made the upload and have to wait until i am in front of my machine.
@jay_s_uk Thank You! Now I am connected and already load my configuration. In all getting started guides i found the first point to connect via usb. Your answer was greatful
@dc42 the STATUS LED was flashing once a second.
Hey community,
i know that there are already a few threads like this but they do not help me in my problem or are not the same problem.
So i have a Duet3D MB6HC Board and want to follow https://docs.duet3d.com/en/How_to_guides/Getting_connected/Getting_connected_to_your_Duet and connect via usb. But i do not see the board in the device manager and can not install the driver.
I already tried to different PCs with Linux and Windows and three different cables. The LEDs are correct.
So maybe someone has an idea for me
I tried to bring the right information in the configuration. On the Motors page i choose, based on some research: Forwards, X16 (on), 3560 Steps, 15 Max. Speed Change, 100 Max. Speed, 500 Acceleration, and 2400 Motor Current. I made this for all three axes the same.
I am not sure if these parameters are correct. I only could find out that i have a 8mm metric lead screw build in my Rat Rig Killerbee. I did not find the ratio ... so i am not sure if the values are correct at the end. The Speed and Acceleration Values are the default (X and Y) ones.
great i will go this way!