@blv there is no need to teach formulas or motion theroy, at least to me, Im a senior mechanical engineer, I guess I have those topics very clear. So Im pretty sure you can post your slicer profile, your config, and the STL so we can all see the sizes involved and it will be very simple to demostrate what I said is correct. But we can also do very super quick calulations looking the video: the size of the object is aprox 12 cms long. I has a soft cuve too. so lets say that segment is a real 15 cms as much it it is straight? If you print at 500 mm/s that means we should be watching your printhead cover those 15 cms in aprox 1/33 of a second without taking into consideration the acceleration. If we take into consideration the accel of 9000 you will reach something around 300 mm/s of max speed AND ONLY for a fraction of the path. Im dpoing all these calculation by my eye so I might be wrong in 20/50 mm/s max error.
And Im still not taking into account your jerk settings.
And this is the speed you get in your longest path, the rest of your STL model wont get even half of the calculated speed I have mentioned.
And Im not fan of nobody. I use what I considere that covers my needs. I have used klipper. It is based on python, python uses an interpret to work. That means an extra layer between klipper and the processor. So it works very nive, but no software till today is as fast as a well C++ / C code is working directly with the processor... Or have you ever seen an OS written in python 😉 ?
The firmware duet is working on is really powerful, enough for me moving from marlin.
But hey... if you are fine with klipper, OK! keep using. You have to use whatever covers your needs man.
Also I think it would be usufull if you clear what you mean with "extra perfomance", it would be a good way to contibute here to the developers.