@phaedrux sorry about that. Yes I meant power supply. This is my only printer with a lookalike laptop charger. My biggest concern is the amperage. 7 A.

Posts made by baesjerker
RE: Primacreator P120 + Duet Wifi
Primacreator P120 + Duet Wifi
Hi. I have a spare Duet 2 WiFi laying around. The stock board on my primacreator P120 died.
I do not know much about wattage, amps and so on, but I know how to connect/wire everything.
Would it be possible to use my spare Duet 2 WiFi with the original power cord? It’s rated at 12V 7A.
RE: Ender 3 Pro configuration
@dc42 said in Ender 3 Pro configuration:
@baesjerker said in Ender 3 Pro configuration:
With those settings the extruder motor is skipping and the black filament i am using now seems to be really thin looking.
What extruder motor does your printer use, and what extruder motor current have you set in M906? From another post I see that your extruder steps/mm is very low, indicating that you have an ungeared extruder. With that type of extruders, it's usually necessary to run the motor close to its rated current to get enough torque when printing PLA. OTOH if you run it too high, the heat from the motor reaches the filament and softens it, which can also lead to problems.
It’s the stock Ender 3 Pro extruder motor. I believe it’s called “Creality 3D 42-40”. It has a shaft with a adjustable gear. Current is set to 900 and steps/mm is now around 103. I tried to calibrate it and ended up with that number.
RE: Ender 3 Pro configuration
@phaedrux i printed out a hero me fan duct yesterday and there was almost no stringing.
So it helped a lot. No, I didn’t change the speed in the config. What do I change there? Match the Cura profile? Thanks. -
RE: Ender 3 Pro configuration
@noskillzengineer great. Thank you for explaining everything in more detail. I will try to up the non printing speed and check the results. Looking forward to check out your settings.
RE: Ender 3 Pro configuration
Thanks for the tips. I store my filament in a closed box, but I do not have evadry. Could Silica Gel work as a substitute? I have a high quality calliper. Travel speeds are based on the Cura profile @Phaedrux posted yesterday. I think it was 120 or something.
Thanks for that one @Phaedrux. It actually removed a lot of the stringing issue. Now it’s so much better.
I have tried temps from 180 and up to 220. Results is almost the same.
I will try some more settings in Cura. Trial and error.
I have filaments from PrimaValue (green), Addnorth (transparent), Polymaker (red) and NinjaTek (white). I also have a no brand local black one.
No I don’t have extruded pressure advance in my Config. I will check it out.
RE: Ender 3 Pro configuration
With those settings the extruder motor is skipping and the black filament i am using now seems to be really thin looking.
RE: Ender 3 Pro configuration
@dc42 said in Ender 3 Pro configuration:
M305 P1 T100000 B4148 C2.117e-7
I will try right away. Thanks.
RE: Ender 3 Pro configuration
@dc42 I found a video on YouTube. He used those settings. When I tried resistance settings @PaulHew uses, the hot end and bed didn’t get hot enough. What do you think would be best to use here?
RE: Ender 3 Pro configuration
@Phaedrux Which Cura version do the profile come from? I get a "Sucsessfully imported Cura profile" but it doesn't appaer in my profile list. I am trying to upload my Cura profile, but I only got iCloud.
Edit: Didn't know version 4 was out. Updated to 4 and I was able to import the profile. Test printing now.
RE: Ender 3 Pro configuration
@veti with my “cheap” multimeter the two motors match up. They’re roughly the same.
RE: Ender 3 Pro configuration
Hi. Thanks. My setup is based on the settings @PaulHew posted earlier. I have only changed motor mA, z height and the heaters resistance.
M305 P1 T100000 B4138 R4700
I will post my Cura profile first thing in the morning.
I will try that profile.
RE: Ender 3 Pro configuration
Hi guys. Back again with some more issues.
On the stock Ender 3 Pro board I never encountered stringing. Not once.
Now I have extreme stringing issues and blobs all over the place.
What I have done so far:
- Calibrated extrusion.
- Tried different extrusion distances.
- Tried different print speeds.
- Motor mA from 500- 900.
- Changed nozzle. (Not clogged)
- Changed tubing. No difference capricorn/stock.
- Changed couplings.
- Tried temps from 190-220.
- Used 4 different PLA filaments from 3 different makers. Green, red, black and white.
- More/less tension on x and y belt.
Edit: My wild guess is that this is something slicer related.
Edit 2: Cura = Extreme blobs and medium stringing. Slic3er = No blobs, but extreme stringing. -
RE: Ender 3 Pro configuration
@veti I will check on it later today.
Do anyone know if I can use the Ender 3 Pro display with the duet?Edit. Nevermind. Found out by searching 12864.
RE: Ender 3 Pro configuration
The Y and Z motors do not get that hot using 700-800, but the X motor gets extremely hot. I can hold my hand on the back of the X motor for 2 seconds or so and then I have to let go. I have checked belts and everything else. 600 Seems to work great. It still gets hot, but not 800 HOT!
RE: Ender 3 Pro configuration
@veti you are right. I missed the 90% -_- thanks. My motors run extremely hot with what I already have so I will try with 600(x, y, z) and see.
RE: Ender 3 Pro configuration
Now everything seems to be working like it was when using my stock Ender 3 Pro board.
Print quality is more or less the same, maybe a bit worse than before, but I need to experiment a little more with the duet config and in Cura.
But the stepper motor noise is almost gone they are so much quieter now!
I also had to lower the current for the stepper motors. They where running really hot using stock (x, y, z, e) (725, 725, 725, 900). Trying to find the magic numbers here.
I see everything from 400 to 900 on this forum.