I'm hoping to use Home Assistant to turn on a HEPA filter that is powered off a HA plug strip. This way depending on the filament configuration it either turns on automatically at the start of a print and off once a certain time after completion or turns on after print completion and runs for a timer.
HA can control the fan and timer and just needs duet to tell it the print reached a milestone (set on the duet side when start or end of print macro is triggered per filament.
I've also got MotionEye cameras that feed into HA and if I could start or stop a print from HA I would have those buttons on the page with the camera views.
Last reason I'd like HA integration is I have touchscreena around the house that control things in HA and if duet had integration I could just walk up to one of those and change tabs with the existing build instead of having to larch something else or modify the build.