Thank you very much clearing it out., I'm going to go around this VFD and manual again with more deep research! And I will definitely update you guys about the progress. I've built many 3D Printers , few of them pretty big.. But now I've got a bigger challenge with A LOT of more power and torque =))
For the begining I want to make this thing work as is..
But why I actually brought this machine to my place., because I believe that with flexibility of macros in Duet and ways to easy attach more motors and sensors etc I can explore some new ways to create with this machine.
The plan is to extend the height of the bridge of X axis to about 1.5m (from 30cm) ,
to replace the spindle on much lighter one and to add pellet extruder.
I'm sure it's achievable task ! And it's definitely super cool project to do !
I already made one little cnc machine (1x1m) on Duet base , but the spindle there was much simpler Chinese 1000w version , which uses just potentiometer to adjust the speed.
So I going dig , read , and sleep with it for a few more days , to realise that I'm not going to make mistake with it..
@jens55 was 100% right about one thing.. it's a three phase, and 1000 times more power than any 3D printer))
Hope to back with some good news soon! Thanx @alankilian @theKM and @jens55 ! This is great, I'm already not alone in this project!

Best posts made by AllSirius
RE: Heavy Duty Spindle on DuetWiFi
RE: Internal stepper drivers form Duet WiFi are not responding
You are the King Man!
@JoergS5 @o_lampe Thanks for your help friends !!
I'm almost gave up on this board! Nothing was helping..
It's looks like it some weird bug with previous version of a firmware ., which was fixed by update to 3.4b5!
I'm feel in family now ! -
RE: Some tools are not showed in Web interface ..
Yeah, a messed up with heater , by giving a many trying attempts to see any different after all combinations with drivers %) Now I realised that made some mess. .I'll back to the first configuration ,I guess the heaters aren't a problem .
And thanks allot for quick replay , I have a feeling it will solve it.. D8 is stone of all the problems)) !
Hope I'll be back soon with the working config!
Thanks a lot Jay!