ok sir thank you.
Posts made by allankisaiswaroop
RE: Duet ethernet is not working
Hi sir,
thank you for your reply. i bought it from you sir
RE: Duet ethernet is not working
the ethernet module is plugged into the board and ethernet wire is plugged into it. and if i connect the usb to my computer its not showing port in my device manager of my computer
This the duet ethernet board![alt text]( image url)
Duet ethernet is not working
When i plugged ethernet cable to the Duet ethernet board it not lighting up and the other 3 lights (vin, 5v, 3.3v) are getting lightening up. please help in this
RE: Can peltier can be connected to PWM fan pins ?
can you get a circuit design for the same? or can you tell which mosfet i have to use?
RE: Can peltier can be connected to PWM fan pins ?
Hi dc42,
Thanks for reply. Is there any alternative for that like using any electronic components?
Can peltier can be connected to PWM fan pins ?
Hi to all,
Can peltier can be connected to PWM fan pins ? Please help in this.
RE: Switching extruder using servo
Thanks T3P3Tony for valuable information
Disable stepper motors in Duet ethernet board
Hi to all,
How to disable stepper motors in duet ethernet board and i am using 1.21 firmware? please help in this.
RE: servo pins in Duet ethernet
thanks for reply. I have duet ethernet and i have to change the extruder (like tool change) using servo. please help in this
RE: servo pins in Duet ethernet
Hi dc42,
its can be use for tool change using servo?
servo pins in Duet ethernet
Hi to all
Like in ramps board they are any servo pins in Duet ethernet board?
Can I add external extruder motor to expansion pins in Duet 0.6?
Hi ,
I want to connect external Extruder motor to expansion pins in Duet 0.6? Is it possible and I want what tweak i use to do in config.g?
RE: Can Extruder pins are use to ON/OFF Solenoid valve??
hi dc42,
I am asking that my printer is a paste extruder. I am using pneumatics to drive the chocolate from syringe to the bed. and for bed I am using peltier setup where i can change in the middle of printing. Now I want to operate solenoid valve on/off for that i want to use extruder motor pins. please help me
RE: Can Extruder pins are use to ON/OFF Solenoid valve??
hi dc42,
thanks for reply. but this I am using for chocolate printing where it is a pneumatic based extrusion. in that i want to ON/OFF solenoid valve. In my case I cannot use fan pins . please help in this.
Can Extruder pins are use to ON/OFF Solenoid valve??
Hi guys,
I want connect solenoid valve to extruder motor pins like in ramps we can do on/off by extruder motor driver pins which are DIR and ENABLE. and connect to the L293D driver where I can give GCODE from Slic3r. Now I moved to Duet board so how can I operate solenoid valve. Please help me in this.
Can i connect Duet to the internet?
Hi guys,
I have a Duet ethernet board and now it is connected through LAN. Now i want to use WAN connection such that i can operate outside of my LAN area ( if I am in my home I can control using wifi and if I am outside I am unable to connect so I want to connect from outside. Please help me in this).
Hi dc42,
Thanks for response. Can I get DUEX4 expansion board only?