CE Declaration of Incorporation for Duet Boards?
I've got no grumbles over your thoughts there.
While the likelyhood of the project pretty much vanishes I do wonder about how we can effectively relay the information contained in relevant directives and standards to help people who are interested but can't (like most) spend £200-300 per standard then spend a week reading through the standard-speak looking for the take homes.
We'd hugely benefit from someone open sourcing there CE compliance file, but that is unlikely to happen without community funding.
One thing I have learnt is that an importer (anyone who orders from abroad on aliexpress/ebay?) is responsible for CE compliance documentation. So many of these super cheap imports with wiring and other issues were probably never compliant in the first place. This could be awkward (insurance?) for anyone who has used these in educational or Makerspaces.
I suspected one of the biggest time drains would be going through a machine's bill of materials and making sure all of the kit list is RoHS/WEEE/Reach compliant as required.
This all grates a little as this presents as a massive cost barrier for people who genuinely want to produce a decent product, but due to this all being self certified many less diligent people can just slap a CE mark on and carry on. I'd much rather see the standards and directives open access and the CE marks paid for with the documents registered in an independent body.
Thank's for the EuroFins York info.
I'll give them a try for our next product approvals etc.
York is a nice place to spend a couple of days in !
(Better than the plastic cold damp unheated shed in the middle of some woods I currently use)Regards,
@jujudelta I used EuroFins York (aka York EMC) for the CE testing for 3 of my products (battery powered instruments using either Bluetooth or WiFi) and found them very good to work with. I have no experience of other companies to compare them to but I would certainly use them again.
Thanks for the recommendation.