Adding buttons to panel due?
On my panel due, the heat chamber heater does not show up. Also, i would like a button to control a GPIO pin (to turn lights off and on) and also to turn the 12v psu on and off.
Do i have to edit the firmware and recompile it and install it on the panel due to do that or is there another way?
I may be wrong but I think the chamber heater needs to be assigned to a tool for it to show up.
Scratch that looks like panel due currently doesn't support chamber heaters. It's on the wishlist though.You should be able to use a macro to control the PSU which could show up as a button on the panel due.
Hi. Could you please post where you are finding this information?
M42 for io pins and M80/M81 for ATX ps_on pin switching.
I have that information already, i was wondering where you found the documentation about the panel due not supporting heat chambers,
Forum search came up with a thread in the wishlist section.