Why does configuring a voron 2.4 350mm have to be so difficult
Internet search revels the same old tired setups, years old. The new RR 3.5 totally blacked out voron with duet. This forum search results old tired configs. Is it just a dated build and not worthy of duet3 with 1lc can. What happened to the reprap link in the config file. Trying to get 7 motors configured would be alot easier if there was a actual config profile available. I like duet and want to learn more with the duet3 and can expansion but i'm finding help unavailable. github has 2yr old configs, only 2.
My option is to spend considerable time experimenting because i'm using 3.5ver and can't find a recent config or to just forget about duet and join the kippler makerbase electronics, hell of alot cheaper for sure -
@billybob there are a number of users on the duet discord that have up to date configs available. But really, any RRF3 config will work without requiring many if any changes.
There's also the new config tool for generating a config that's mostly there.
And rather than complain with no information about where you're getting stuck, how about ask an actual question? -
@jay_s_uk ok great
@billybob and also remember, most people with RRF actually try to understand their config unlike klipper users who just copy and paste any old random stuff
@billybob To add on what @jay_s_uk says:
most people with RRF actually try to understand their config unlike klipper users who just copy and paste any old random stuff
I have to confess that I started just like this: copied and pasted some random config.g from the internet - just to get my Duet controlled printer to do "something". In fact, this config was for the same printer model as my one, and it "somehow" worked. Of course, the port assignments didn't match my cabling, and the config didn't match my Duet's firmware version - not to talk of my wishlist for hardware improvements. In short, I ended up going through the whole commissioning process, learnt to spell each single GCode expression of my config, and finally got a good understanding of how my printer works.
My printer even came equipped with a (very poor) controller, so converting to the Duet took some time, but my goal was to control any aspect of the printing process - that's what I've achieved, at the cost of a steep learning curve. Fortunately, there was and is a good documentation of RRF out there, not to mention this forum which outshines a great lot of similar attempts to engage the community: friendly, polite, patient… being used to rude German (and some US) forums, I would characterise it as "very British" in its best sense.
Possibly you have an easier start with Klipper, Marlin or Smoothieware, but whatever firmware you chose: you'll have to learn and to understand how it works and interacts with your hardware - else, the printer will just do "something". You've already decided for the superior Duet hardware - well, RepRap Firmware (RRF) with the Duet Web Control (DWC) is a natural fit. The first step is as @jay_s_uk says:
There's also the new config tool for generating a config that's mostly there.
In order to master your printer, you'll then have to learn GCode - consult this reference to get a glimpse, ask here if you feel lost. Believe me: there are worse places to go
@infiniteloop Yeah ok, I've built 13 duet machines, all networked via WiFi, 8 reconfigured longer lk1, 1 ender5, 1 500 x 500 home built and one 3' by 5' with duet3. I'm not new to the programming i made a point that the new reprap site doesn't have voron and wanted to test if my drivers were configured right so i could move past the intial turnon. Funny so did this guy
@billybob I think what you would like is a base configuration for a Voron 2.4 from the new config tool? At the moment, there are no templated printers (it's supported, but we were waiting for the tool to be stable, and we are just discussing this), like there used to be (but still no Voron) in the old version.
There is a list of Duet and user configurations here: https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Reference/Community_projects#machine-configurations-and-macros
The nature of Duet boards are that they are put in custom machines, so every machine is subtly different. Two Voron 2.4 could have exactly the same hardware specification, but have motors and IO plugged into different ports, making configurations incompatible, so it does require some knowledge setting up a new machine.
Regarding configuration incompatibility between firmware versions, most (RRF 3.x) configurations should 'just work'. However, RRF 3.3 was released over 3 years ago, and the firmware has developed since then. Most notably around heater modelling (the parameters for M307 have changed over time), and more recently with the multiple motion systems in 3.5. This often does require change in custom macros. We always suggest reading through the release notes, or use @MintyTrebor's ReleaseMgr plugin.
As for RRF 3.5 'totally blacked out' your machine, it would be helpful if you posted some details so this can be investigated. Was it a WiFi problem, ie the WiFi firmware update didn't flash correctly, or something else?
I've built 13 duet machines, () I'm not new to the programming…
Ah ok, so you are an experienced user. As such, you should be able to slap together a config within a minute, should know about the config tool and be aware of the dubious quality to expect from config files floating around the web. BTW, why don’t you share your vast knowledge and contribute to the forum? Am I missing something?
@infiniteloop I run my own forum and have logged my build experiences for the past 5 years, The answer I was looking for was provided by @droftarts and it's appreciated.