floor meta command not working on CNC state of board
I'm running a duet 2 wifi on a CNC router as well as a 3D printer. I was using the 3D printer to practice some meta commands for an attempt to make a spoil board facing program. I was able to get the program to work the way I want it on my 3D printer and one of the functions I'm using is the "floor" command to do some division for me where I just want the integer value. The floor command is not working when I try it on my CNC router. I'm running the same version of reprap on both units. 3.5.0 rc1. Does anyone else have this same issue?
Well I just figured it out, it is because in the CNC mode, the () brackets need to be encased with {} brackets. and that isn't needed in the 3D printer mode.
@baird1fa that is documented here: https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Reference/Gcode_meta_commands#expressions
It’s because standard Gcode uses brackets for commenting.