Hikvision Network camera
I would like to know if it is possible to integrate a HIKVISION camera to DWC. I can access it from the IP in the browser but I can't do it from the DWC.
Thank you!
@amimafe It depends which Hikvision camera you have. It needs to have the facility to return a static JPEG image in response to a HTTP request. See https://www.ispyconnect.com/camera/hikvision
If you are running your Duet connected to an SBC (Raspberry Pi), you have more options. See https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Reference/DWC_webcam
@droftarts Sí, es el modelo DS-2CD1027G0-L pero no consigo que muestre ninguna imágen. Estoy poniendo la URL que especifica el fabricante:
Any idea?
@amimafe According to the ispyconnect website, the DS-2CD1027G0-L outputs FFMPEG using an RTSP camera video stream. So it cannot be embedded in a webpage, or DWC, without using third-party converters like VLC, or by using an intermediate media server (eg raspberry pi) to convert the stream to something a browser can understand.
From https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Reference/DWC_webcam
Important: You must choose a camera that has the facility to return a static JPEG image in response to a HTTP request. Not all IP cameras have this facility. Sadly, none of the major browsers supports including a RTSP camera video stream in a web page.
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