New Wifi install problems, need help
When I try to activate say, X stepper, it "dithers". For Y, X "dithers". For Z, X dithers and then moves 10mm in the wrong direction. End stops are mechanical and work n each correct circuit.
Have you check that you have the stepper motor wire connected correctly? in the correct coil pairs
Do the stepper motors vibrate loudly when you try to move them? If so, that usually means you haven't paired the wires correctly.
The stepper motor wire colors are red, blue, green black at the board and red green blue black at the steppers - the former board was wired according to the stepper order. I have tried reversing the green and blue but didn't get anywhere with that. And tried reversing the entire order at the board, but that didn't help either. I suspect a piece of knowledge is there that I am missing.
When I try to activate say, X stepper, it "dithers". For Y, X "dithers". For Z, X dithers and then moves 10mm in the wrong direction. End stops are mechanical and work n each correct circuit.
Do you mean that whichever motor you try to move, the only motor that moves at all is X?
I didn't spot anything wrong with your config.g file. Is that definitely the one that is running on your Duet - the one you can see if you go into Settings -> System Editor in the web interface, and select config.g to edit?
Which firmware version are you running? Look in Settings -> General in the web interface to find out.
Yes, to the current config. I have gotten some movement of Y and Z in the course of trying to get things working. Also determined the correct extruder direction because the heater controls work, the fan works and E stepper worked at least that time - I haven't tried it again since having the other motion problems. V 1.19, brand new board from Filastruder.
If I switch X and Z at the board, all three steppers come on briefly without movement, just the vibrating. I have also tried different mA settings from 1200 down to 800 without success. -
Watch the video and check you wiring on the steppers
Just throwing this out in hopes that it might move you in the right direction and since I'm a total newb take it for what its worth.. but "All" of my movement issues were related to the end stops not working correctly and or being wired up wrong.
On the configuration page you can view the functionality just make sure that they are working in either the open or closed state. Closed for me means the red lights are on on the board, when the limit is tripped the light goes off.
OK, so my wiring was off on one pair and now all axes show some movement. However, despite the board showing correct end stop wiring, the X end stop doesn't stop the X driver. All three stepper commands result in X movement and not proper movement on the others. The X end stop triggers properly. Y and Z end stops seem to work correctly but neither axis moves as t should with the X always getting involved.
Thank you, Tim Willy, David and VB. Closer but no success. Yet… -
Please can you send M669 without parameters, also M584 without parameters, and let me know what the responses are.
Error: M669 parameters do not apply to Cartesian kinematicsM584
Driver assignments: X0 Y1 Z2 E3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10:11 -
Did you follow this for connecting and setting up your endstops?
Yes. Active high, endstops correspond to correct axes, leds on, then off when triggered. Mechanical switches.
This is a long shot.
I know that M584 without any parameters seems to be reporting the correct drive mapping (apart from the fact that non existent drives 4 to 11 are mapped to non existent extruders but that shouldn't matter). However, there is no M584 command in your config.g therefore the values that are reported must be the default settings. Normally M584 would go before the other axis parameters like steps per mm, speeds accelerations etc). So maybe, (just maybe), the absence of the command is what is throwing things.
So try putting this near the top of your config.g file (as the first line after "Drives").
M584 X0 Y1 Z2 E3. This will force the drive mapping to occur before steps per mm etc are assigned.
Like I said, it's long shot but…....
Tried it, no help. Here's the sequence:
Home X; X carriage moves to end stop, triggers the end switch but doesn't stop, then returns about 3/4 length back
Home Y; X carriage moves to end stop, returns to center bed, Y carriage moves 10 mm, everything stops.
Home Z; X carriage moves to end stop, returns halfway, Z raises about 30 mm, everything stops.E works as it should
Have you tried making a new config with the online configurator ?
Yes, I've done that three times, tried someone else's and put this one together myself.
I think you may have your motor wiring swapped, in particular I think you may have the X motor connected to the Z motor connector. Please check. The order of the motor connectors is ZA/ZB, Y, X, E0, E1 which may not be what you were expecting.
@ Id1 - It might be an idea if you posted your homing files too.
David, you called that one. Switched those two drives and now it does all those things on the z axis that it did on the x axis. So:
; called to home all axes
; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool on Tue Nov 21 2017 10:14:37 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time); Relative positioning
G91; Lift Z
G1 Z5 F6000; Course home X and Y
G1 X-365 Y-255 F3000 S1; Move away from the endstops
G1 X5 Y5 F6000; Fine home X and Y
G1 X-365 Y-255 F360 S1; Absolute positioning
G90; Go to first bed probe point and home Z
G1 X15 Y15 F6000
G30; Uncomment the following line to lift the nozzle after probing
;G1 Z5 F100Which tells me that the basic homeall config and probably the individual home configs are incorrect. It also tells me that the motors and drivers are working as they should if only their instructions were right. Especially as I don't use bed or mesh probing, only manual. My usable dimensions are 350X, 250Y and 340Z.
If I can get that all set, then it is just making sure the endstops are working. I think. Ever closer….