Duet 2 wifi with mk3 and klipper
Hello all!
Im in a dilemma right now - I inherited a mk3 with a duet 2 wifi and klipper installed. It didnt arrived to me right now, but a good research starts earlyI read through the internet and saw, that for the use of klipper there is a raspi needed, fortunately I own one. I do wonder now, what do I have to install on the pi? This is the first 3d printer I own and Im a bit overwhelmed right now
another option would be to reinstall the old rambo einsy board, but only if there is not much rewiring needed, because its as i stated my first 3d printer... well, some advices beforehand would be nice, but Ill write again when the bad boy arrives.
ty -
@printnoob well...you don't need klipper...reprap firmware is more than capable and the best thing is you don't need a raspberry pi to have a great web interface and easy to config you printer!go ahead and start looking at
https://docs.duet3d.com/en/How_to_guides/Getting_connected/Getting_connected_to_your_Duet -
@weed2all Hi, thank you weed2all, I read a bit through the guide you linked. I will totally do it, when the prinnter arrives, that looks really convenient to use. If Im having any questions in setting it up, for example if I dont know what to choose in the configurator, can I ask you then? For example, for the motors and endstop page, because Im not truly sure, how I do it with the superpinda and sensorless homing. But thats music from music of the future, it has to be delivered for that.
Thank you for posting the link and sending me on my reprap journey -
@printnoob of course...