Possible bug in object model
While trying to do a macro to append the print time to a file, I came across an oddity.
I wanted to check that
- A file had been printed
- The last file had not been cancelled
- The last file had not been aborted
if (job.lastFileName != null) && (job.lastFileCancelled = false) && (job.lastFileAborted = false) echo >>{job.lastFileName} "" echo >>{job.lastFileName} ";Last printed:", state.time echo >>{job.lastFileName} ";Print time = " ^ floor({job.lastDuration}/3600) ^ "hrs " ^ floor(({job.lastDuration}-floor({job.lastDuration}/3600)*3600)/60) ^ "min " ^ mod({job.lastDuration},60) ^ "secs"
However whilst the latter two values are visible in the object model I can't seem to access them.
- A file had been printed
undefined OwenD referenced this topic
undefined OwenD referenced this topic
@owend are you running in stand alone or SBC mode?
in the OM documentation here it shows these are only available from DSF in SBC mode:
https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/wiki/Object-Model-Documentation#joblastfileaborted -
Hi Tony,
I am using stand alone mode, so that will be the reason.
The item appears in the object model browser, but apparently isn't actually accessible.
I'll mark as solved. -
undefined OwenD has marked this topic as solved
I'll add a feature request to make these available in standalone mode, pretty please @T3P3Tony (-:
@oliof sure feel free to rasie a feature request thread and pint to this.