Loud Alarm Buzzer for Filament Runout
I would like to add a loud buzzer alarm that can be heard in the next room to sound when filament runs out. Obviously the paneldue buzzer with M300 command is too quiet. What would be the simplest way to achieve this? I do not have any spare fan outputs. I am using Duet 3 mini 5+ but also have some duet 2 wifi printers I would like to add this to .
@bubblevisor Get a loud buzzer, and use a relay off an IO port.
Relay module (24v) : https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B077ZLC78L
If you search 24v buzzers on Amazom, there are 100DB versions. -
Yep thats a good suggestion. Would be nice if I could run a reasonably audible buzzer or speaker directly off the board. How much power/current can you run off the Duet GPIOs?
A 5v active buzzer pulls 30mA. Would this be ok to run directly off the GPIO? I'm worried its too much!